Friday, August 26, 2011

Just A Little Prettiness 12

August 17, 2011 - It was dark, wet and glooming all day but the sun appeared briefly just before sunset. It put a big grin on my face when I saw the brilliant display of double rainbows through the bathroom window when I walked into the house.

Seconds later I was in the backyard with my camera and did a few quick snaps, and here are a few of the photos I would like to share with those of you who might have missed the spectacular display the other day.

Another kind of brilliance I encountered in front of the house.


  1. It was my sky too! Thankyou for the pictures!

  2. bila lihat foto ni tiba tiba hati rasa sayu..teringat kampung halaman.....terima kasih atas ucapan dari Tummy...

  3. Gorgeous! Have a great weekend dear.


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3 hungry tummies

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melbourne, victoria, Australia
