Friday, August 6, 2010

Gamja Jorim 감자 조림 Glazed Potato

Banchan (반찬) are little side dishes served at every Korean meal along with rice and other dishes. They are served in small quantity and can be refilled over the duration of a meal. The quality of the banchan  at a restaurant often is an indication of what you will be getting next. I cooked a Korean meal for the birthday tummy and  a few good banchan were prepared of course. You might be familiar with this popular banchan if you are a regular at Korean eateries, otherwise try this out soon and find out how delicious it is.
P.S I will be posting the rest of the dishes served at the dinner.

makes enough for a meal of 4
you'll need;
4 medium size potato, peeled and cubed
cooking oil
3 tbs of Korean soy
2 tbs of mulyeot (corn syrup)
11/2 tbs of sugar
1 tbs of minced garlic
salt to taste
1 tsp of toasted sesame seeds
1/2 cup of water
chooped spring onions to serve

Peel and dice the potatoes into 1.5 cm cubes.

Combine all other ingredients (except cooking oil and sesame seeds) in a bowl.

Heat up a pan and saute the diced potatoes with a little cooking oil. Cook for a few minutes til a little brown and partially cooked.

Add the sauce mix and simmer for 5 to 7 minutes.

It is ready when the liquid has reduced to a syrupy consistency.

Sprinkle with toasted sesame seeds and some chopped spring onions. Serve as part of a Korean meal.


  1. satu lagi resepi yang simple dan nampak menarik:)

  2. Wow, I never had this glazed potatoes...they sure look so the pictures :-)

  3. korean sitcom fanaticAugust 6, 2010 at 12:33 PM

    This is my all time favourite! You have done a great job! Looking forward to your other Korean dishes!

  4. I am sure I have eaten this at a Korean restaurant. Anything with soy and sugar has got to be good :)

  5. I can easily finish the whole bowl. This is going to be very popular with the boys!

  6. The banchan served at my last Korean meal were rather lack luster, it is true what came later was quite ordinary too :(

  7. They look so awesome! I don't know how much I would be able to eat after that! Yummy!

  8. These look WONDERFUL!!! I want to give these a try!

  9. pass me d plate dear....irresistable n inviting clicks..

  10. Hope you would be interested to join the ongoing event in my space....Plz check out...!

  11. hi tummy.... rindu benar ngan masakan tummy. nampak kentang pong terus perot lapar.. hihi

  12. Harriet from CarltonAugust 6, 2010 at 3:07 PM

    I love it! Must make a trip to the Korean shop soon.

  13. simple and tasty recipe. you have a nice weekend ahead.

  14. I am loving your Korean side dishes. I hope I will get banchan as good as this at my next Korean meal.

  15. Now I am craving for Korean food after seeing this lol I might have some kimchi with Korean noodles tonight :)

  16. mmm looks very delicious. I love your blog especially your Thai and malaysian dishes. Keep up the good work :)

  17. learning something every simple dishes...side dishes that can be eaten as a meal...these look so rich...

  18. Another simple and delicious dish Suresh. I must make some I think my family will like this.

  19. yum! this is a must try recipe. My girl will definitely love it. You are a great cook!

  20. Simple and looks delicious...mmm

  21. Delicious looking dish buddy. Can't wait to see what else you prepared for the dinner. Have a great weekend!

  22. Anything with potatoes are a winner for me :) Love this Korean kick you're on.

  23. I love how simple this is. Looks very delicious too!

  24. 看韓劇多了很多時候都會想吃韓國料理。這可真簡單又美味唷!

  25. I've bookmarked this recipe. I'm always on the look out for new potato recipes. This looks terrific. I hope you are having a great day. Blessings...Mary

  26. The first photo - don't look like potatoes at all if you had not told me. I thought they look more like daikon cube or something...

  27. I'm making this. Yes. and it'll be the entree.

  28. These look yummy. I bet they are a crowd pleaser.

    Plan B

  29. nice posts and reads. very well done thanks. ^^


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