Thursday, March 3, 2011

Braised Wild Rabbit With Salami, Cavolo Nero And Olives

To celebrate the arrival of autumn, I made a very delicious wild rabbit stew using a recipe from The Italian Cookbook Collector's Edition by Gourmet Traveller. I managed to find some cavolo nero (Italian black cabbage which is rather similar to kailan or Chinese kale) without having to go through too much hassle. It is dead easy to prepare and a perfect meal for a chilly autumn night. Wild rabbits might look cute and cuddly but they are a real pest down under so do your share too by trying this recipe very soon. If you are still not convinced, I think chicken thighs would make a wonderful substitute. 
It is time to go home and check on my dinner and I will try to fit in another post over the weekend, if not come back on Monday for the 8th roundup of Muhibbah Malaysian Monday!

recipe adapted from The Italian Cookbook Collector's Edition by Gourmet Traveller
serves 2 to 3 as a one dish meal
you'll need;
1 wild rabbit, jointed
seasoned plain flour for dusting
good olive oil
150 g of mild salami, sliced thickly widthwise
1/2 an onion, finely chopped
3 garlic cloves, finely chopped
125 ml of dry white wine
1.5 cups of chicken stock
2 tomatoes, blanched, peeled and coarsely chopped
50 g of taggiasca olive
2 rosemary sprigs
half a bunch of cavolo nero

Prepare the onion, garlic and salami.

Prepare the rabbit and tomatoes.

Dust rabbit pieces with seasoned flour and brown in batches with a little olive oil in a casserole. 

Add a little more olive oil to the same casserole and saute the onion, gralic and salami slices until golden. Deglaze with wine, return rabbit pieces to the pot and add stock, chopped tomato, olives and rosemary. Simmer with lid on for 1.5 hours until rabbit is very tender. Add cavolo nero and cook til wilted, check for seasonings. (I forgot to take photo for the final stage of cooking :()

Make sure you have some crusty bread to mop up the delicious sauce.


  1. alamak rabbit?haish tak berani nak makan lah Tummy..kesian kerana terlalu comel untuk dimakan:)Ceria-ceria selalu:)

  2. That looks delicious. A perfect cool weather dish. I have been wanting to cook rabbit for a while and your post have given me the confidence to do that. Just found your website earlier this week and am enjoying your recipes posts very much.

  3. Looks so delicious! I dare to eat rabbit but I don't think I dare to cook it!

  4. Harriet from carltonMarch 4, 2011 at 4:14 PM

    Oh this is a great dish for chilly autumn night indeed. It looks so inviting!

  5. I love wild rabbit. The farmed ones are too fat!

  6. Oh this looks and sounds delicious but i think I will try will chicken instead ;)

  7. I've first tasted rabbits in Malta and it was okay, just like a regular chicken meat but with a bit of after taste. Wondering if I can pull this dish off.


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