Saturday, November 27, 2010

Bunless Lamb Burger

Day 7 of our carbless diet - I have been seeing things associated with burgers everywhere; burger ads, people eating burgers on the tram (very bad!), flyer from the local burger joint in the letter box and more burger ads. "Well.... if you can't beat them, join them!" I said to myself so for our dinner we had these beautiful lamb burger sans bun and chips but with  rather big patties instead. Check out our burger with chips if this sounds too silly to you :)

serves 2
you'll need;
500 g of lamb mince or mince of your choice
1/2 red onion, chopped
1 egg, lightly beaten
2 tsp of smoked paprika
1 tsp of cumin powder
1/4 cup of bread crumbs
salt and pepper to taste
1 small head of cos lettuce
2 vine ripen tomatoes, sliced
1 large beetroot, roasted, sliced and marinated*
1/2 a cucumber, sliced
1/2 a red onion, cut into thin rings
tzatziki to serve
gherkin to serve
lemon wedges to serve
*marinate sliced beetroot with salt, pepper, olive oil and dash of balsamic vinegar.

Mix mince with beaten egg, red onion, spices, bread crumbs and season well.

With wet hands, divide meat mixture into 2 portions and mould into patties. (4 if you are making normal burgers)

Grill meat patties on a hot griddle or on the bbq.

Prepare the tzatziki.

Marinated beetroot.

My choice of fillings.

Assemble the bunless burger as you would with a normal burger and drizzle a generous amount of tzatziki atop the lamb patties. I also served it with a wedge of lemon and some gherkins.


  1. Wish i can have one this yummy burger for my lunch, look so delicious !! Have a nice weekend.

  2. everything was nice... i love it... specially ur choice of fillings...

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. wow wow!! The thing for me about burger is everything except the bun.. Looks greaT! How long more to go ?

  5. Hari ke7 dah?tahniah ya..bagus sekali.My diet?Arrghhh benci betul:( hari ini tak pergi berenang sb badan semua sakit sakit.Rupanya berenang lagi penat dari jogging:( All the best to you....

  6. whoa... u are really determined yeah??

    lost any weight so far?? i'm on diet too (as if) but i have no discipline! :(

  7. Bunless burger sounds pretty good to me:D Looks even better!

  8. Looks delicious, even without the bun

  9. This is so much easier to eat too without the bun. Have the diet been effective?

  10. yum love lamb burgers a little carbs won't hurt u know!

  11. Loved it...reminded me of our kakabs plus the salad.

  12. It's a beautiful presentation! The star of the show!

    I used to order a bunless burger benedict from my favorite restaurant that just recently closed. I never thought to make it at home, but you have inspired me!

  13. Love the extra large ptties lol

  14. This is an extremely big kebeb buddy! Love it!

  15. Oh yum! I love tzatziki! Makes everything less guilty :)

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