Monday, August 9, 2010

Sanjeog 산적 Korean Beef Skewer

Apart from the 3 banchan I just posted and the japchae that the birthday tummy requested I also prepared a dish that is normally eaten on festive occasions. These Korean kebabs are easy to make and a large batch can be prepared a few hours beforehand, leaving you time to do other choas. You may cook them on the bbq or grill them on a tabletop grill, this way one can cook the beef to the doneness of one's liking. Recipe adapted from a Korean cookbook titled 한국요리, 베스트 200 (Korean Cuisine, the best 200 dishes) - this is a wonderful book with easy to follow recipes but it is written in Korean. Chicken and pork will work equally well with this recipe.

serves 4 as part of a Korean meal
you'll need;
600 g of beef fillets, cut in 5 mm strips (6 strips per fillet)
1 carrot, peeled and cut into batons to match the beef
3 spring onions, cut into lenghts to match the beef
16 bamboo skewers, soaked in water for at least an hour
Korean spicy sauce

Soak the bamboo skewers in water for at least an hour. This prevents the skewers from burning during grilling.

Prepare the meat and vegetables.

Thread meat and vegetables using the bamboo skewers.

This can be prepared a few hours beforehand.

Prepare the Korean spicy sauce (I forgot to put in the sesame seeds before taking the photo)

The skewers can be cook on your bbq or a portable grill. It is quite fun leaving the cooking to your guests.

Brush beef skewers with the spicy sauce and grill to the doneness of your liking.

Serve with steamed Korean or Japanese rice with a few banchan on the side. I hope this is enough to convince you to try the recipe real soon.


  1. I very much like the idea of a skewer so big that you need two skewers to hold it together :)

  2. I am so going to try this...I've just got to find the ingredients to make the sauce.

  3. This looks so tasty and easy enough to prepare. Love the idea of cooking on the tabletop grill :)

  4. Korean sitcom fanaticAugust 9, 2010 at 5:57 PM

    We normally eat this on holidays so it is appropriate on birthday celebration :) You have done a good job again!

  5. Looks wonderful and great idea for bbq in warmer months!

  6. Anda buat makcik lapar la Tummy:)

  7. Really enjoying this Korean season! I can imagine tucking ino these at a BBQ with a cold beer.

  8. Those red hot skewers look fantastic on the green plate! Loving the cook as you go idea too.

  9. I love that spicy sauce - it looks ultra versatile!

  10. wow.....that beef looks delicious!! YOur spicy sauce really makes it!

  11. This looks great! I'll give a try. I don't have an outdoor grill - do you think a cast iron pan would provide the same effect?

  12. Harriet from CarltonAugust 9, 2010 at 11:05 PM

    The beef skewers must taste so good with the spicy sauce!

  13. I am so making a trip to the Korean shop for some of the spicy sauce. I will try this and the anchovy dish too!

  14. Conor ,
    Thank you! :)

    Good Asian grocer should stocked it :)

    CW ,
    It is indeed. Get one, perfect for Korean bbq and Chinese steamboat too.

    little panda ,
    Thank you!

    Korean sitcom fanatic,
    Thank you very much!

    rosa ,
    It will be perfect for bbq!

    Haha maaf ya makcik.

    Mr Noodles,
    I am glad you have enjoyed my Korean dishes :) They are perfect with cold beer indeed.

    darren ,
    Thank you! They actually do.

    Jay ,
    Thank you very much!

    Jane Chew ,
    감사합니다 :)

    Thank you very much! They do use it with everything :)

    Chef Dennis ,
    Thank you very much!

    SteveA s,
    A cast iron pan will work perfectly with this too :)

    Big Boys Oven,
    Thank you!

    Harriet from Carlton ,
    Thank you! Give it a try!

    KL girl in MELB ,
    Please do! :)

  15. 買了韓國辣醬,明天會試一試。 但用豬肉唷 :)

  16. Oh my, is there nothing you cannot cook? And you can write Korean too? Just amazing :)

  17. I love all the Korean dishes you posted. They are quite different from the one I have tasted, a lot of kimchi lol

  18. Very enjoyable Korean week. This is perfect for the boys!

  19. The skewers look terrific especially with the spicy sauce!

  20. My goodness those skewers looks so delicious! Love the sauce! And how do u do this Muhibah thing?

  21. These skewers look so yummy! You cook so well!

  22. Love these Korean skewers. They look very delicious. I love all Korean food.

  23. They skewers look fantastic and now I am able to see what a feast you put on for the birthday boy.

  24. Mmm these look tasty - Love the spices

  25. Catching up #2. These I've got to try. Korean products are easy for me to find because as I said in another comment, my Asian store's owners are Korean so of course they have a lot of Korean products. I love the Korean sesame oil! I tried a West African beef on a stick would be great to try these too.

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