Sunday, March 7, 2010

Pork Balls Congee + Side Dishes 豬肉丸粥加小菜

There was some leftover rice sitting in the fridge again, not quite enough for fried rice but certainly enough for a wholesome pot of congee. I also managed to turn the remaining wanton wrappers and some Korean dangmyeon  into crunchy toppings. You may just make a pot of plain congee and serve along several side dishes of your choice, it is lighter than rice and it is perfect for the chilly nights we have started to get now.
P.S replace pork with chicken or beef, it will be equally delicious!

serves 6
you'll need;
3 cups of leftover rice
2 l of chicken stock
10 wanton wrappers, sliced and deep fried
a handful of dangmyeon  or rice noodles, deep fried
salt and pepper to taste
2 spring onions, chopped

for the meatballs;
500 g of minced pork
1/4 cup of soaked wood fungus
1 egg
1/2 cup of water chestnut, chopped
3 tbs of preserved turnip
dash of soy
dash of sesame oil
dash of Chinese cooking wine
grated ginger
salt and pepper to taste

Prepare the chopped spring onions, pickled mustard greens and chili and garlic sauce.

Fry the wanton wrappers and drain.

Fry the noodles and drain.

Simmer 4 cups of cooked rice with 2 l of water for about an hour.

Form little meatballs and add it into the pot together with the vegetables.

Ladle some congee with meatballs, top with some fried noodles, wanton wrappers and a sprinkle of chopped spring onions.

I also made a simple pork omelet - simply beat 4 eggs with a small handful of the meat mixture, some spring onions and fry til golden on both side.

And a lovely tomato fried egg would be a good choice too.


  1. This is perfect for the cold and wet weather we are getting now! What about the storm yesterday? :)

  2. This is what I need right now, a good way to use up leftover rice!

  3. Darn, I am at the breakfast table now!!! Just finished french toast but I would rather eat your congee!!!!

  4. Yummmyyyy! I really love congee :)

    I've never made it myself but you're inspiring me now :):)

    Check me out.

  5. Oh really good for the wet rainy days! I'm going to make some with chicken balls for tonight!

  6. You make a fantastic recipe. I love!
    And besides super nice presented.

  7. Hi 3HT. I'm heading to Macau and Hong Kong next week for a family holidy. Definitely will eat my fill of the rice congee, dim sums and wonton noodles. Yours look great, as usual !

  8. LOVE the crunchy toppings! What a wonderful way of using leftover rice, good idea to make an omelet using the same meat mixture!

  9. Darren,
    It is indeed! I was enjoying the storm from inside of the house, the hail was a little intense though :)

    Thank you! Yeah I have been doing this for a while now!

    You are blogging while eating your breakfast haha :) I was thinking the same thing when I put this up while munching on my toast!

    Brisbane Baker ,
    Do try it is so easy! :)

    Haha better get your ingredients early, another storm is arriving!

    Amanda ,
    Thank you very much! :) kisses

    Oh have a great holiday! I'm looking forward to your new posts!

    Lady Ren,
    Thank you! :)

    If you love crunchy toppings, fry some cryspy garlic and shallots too.
    It was a lazy night and I just used whatever was there :)

    Thank you very much!

  10. I love how you use up the last of the rice - and other pantry items.I also love how my fsmily would enjoy this.

  11. Certainly my cup of tea and I will buy some yiu tiao too! Great way to turn leftovers into something so nourishing!

  12. That all looks wicked good, love the contrasting textures.

  13. Simple porridge but not easy to make ho..

  14. I am starting to like the idea of eating more congee during the colder months rather than heavy stews! It is light but still very comforting!

  15. Wow! creative stuff. Love to try pork omelet as soon as possible.

  16. Sometimes, the best foods are made from leftovers.. I like leftovers!! This is yum! I love porridge.. I think it has to do with the Boy being Teo Chew! Hahaha

  17. I love congee! Can have it as lunch and dinner.. Also, love the idea of the fried wonton wrappers! Thanks for sharing this. You're the best!

  18. Spooky. I made congee last night with smoked fish. Not that I could ever hope to cook as well as you but I reckon congee always need a bit of ginger.

  19. what a n inteeresting mix of textures and flavours!! i must try this version^^

  20. Claudia,
    Oh I'm so glad to hear that! thank you!

    Yasmin ,
    Some yiu tiao will be great!

    Thank you! I'm a sucker for different texture and mouthfeel :)

    Oh it is dead easy! :)

    love to eat ,
    It is wonderful! It warms you up immediately and you can't eat stew every night can you?

    Yeah do it soon, it is absolutely delicious!

    msihua ,
    Oh they do have very good food, those teochew people!

    mycookinghut ,
    Oh thank you! As breakfast too :)

    Mr Noodles,
    Oh that sounds delicious! what sort of smoked fish? I have added ginger in the meatball, otherwise I'll have it shredded like the fish congee I did not long ago.

    Oh please do! Thank you!

    Thank you! :)

  21. i love pork conge....lovely ,fabulous..

  22. Hello darling, we love the Japanese week and this reminds me of what we use to eat after Zouk lol
    Sophia & Vijay xxx

  23. What a feast! Corroborates my feeling that in order to make something wonderful you need to invest a little bit of time!

  24. Smoked cod. I guess down in Oz, you guys might use barramundi as a substitute.

  25. You're really very creative with leftovers and what's readily available. Melbourne was flooded and the hailstones were quite big!

  26. It's so wonderfull, I love your plate, the colour, hum !!!
    I am so sorry to have no time to visit you, I hope I can have more time in the following days !
    Have a nice day

  27. Great post- mouthwatering pictures- YUM! :)

  28. Now, that is what I call a creative use of leftovers-wow.

  29. I can not believe my eyes everytime i visit your blog!
    Thrilled by your dishes/recipes/ presentaion photos!
    You're really a Master!
    Betty xx

  30. j'adore tes recettes elles sont délicieuses de jolies photos c'est vraiment agréable de passer te voir
    bonne soirée

  31. Great idea serving with fried wonton wrappers and noodles! I have to do that next time.

  32. These meals look great. Love everything omelets. Your meals look so balanced and tasty. Wish I had some of this for dinner tonight. What is wood fungus?? Mushrooms?

  33. Reshmi ,
    Thank you!

    Sophia darling, Haha yes similar but that was teochew style, this is just all made up lol

    Thank you very much!

    tasteofbeirut ,
    Thank you!

    Thank you.

    Mr Noodles,
    Oh I used baramundi for my last congee, one of the post in feb.

    Cheah ,
    Thank you! Haha yeah I was indoor fortunately :) and my area was spared the flooding.

    chapot ,
    Oh thank you very much!

    Alex ,
    Oh just a point and shoot camera panasonic DMC FS15 (LUMIX)

    Catherine ,
    Thank you very much!

    Thank you very much!

    Oh thank you very much! I'm so humbled by your praises! xxx

    Fimère ,
    Merci beaucoup! Je suis content que vous les aimez.

    pigpigscorner ,
    Thank you! It is nice having all the different texture :)

    Thank you very much! wood fungus is a type of mushroom you may say that, can be found near the dried goods section of the Asian grocer.

  34. Looks fabulous! I can not wait to try this!

  35. 天氣涼了,吃粥是好主意呀!

  36. I like to see what ingredients/seasoning people enjoy putting in their minced meat.

    I did a post of congee with side dishes too :)

  37. Harriet from CarltonMarch 8, 2010 at 2:34 PM

    This is great for the wet and chilly days we have been getting :)
    How about using uncooked rice?

  38. We have been eating takeaway pizza for the last 2 nights as our kitchen was flooded haha! This is what we should be eating. Cheers buddy!

  39. We always have left over rice, so I will have to try this sometime.

  40. Wow porridge is my all time favourite ! Have not much time to blog lately , I'm busy searching for new home.

  41. I love congee. Another of my favourite comfort food. And I agree that leftover rice works really well.

  42. your congee really looks like those served at dim sum restaurants. love the toppings which looks so authentic! :)

  43. Such a wonderful dish for cold nights! Love how you used up your leftovers!

  44. Jessica,
    Please do ;)


    Haha me too!
    I'll have a look!

    Absolutely! If you are using raw rice, use 1.5 cups of washed and rinsed rice instead!

    Oh buddy I hope it didn't cause too much damage!

    Bo ,
    Oh let me know if you do!

    Thank you! Happy house hunting!

    Thank you very much!

    It is a comfort food for me too! Cooked rice just break down so much quicker too! :)

    Oh thank you very much! :)

    THank you!

    little panda,
    Indeed! Thank you :)

  45. hmmmmmm maybe its nearly time for a nice hot pot of congee?? love all your dishes here! and i see you have been using pork too lately....<3 pork. sometimes i fry springroll pastry and crumble over congee too! mm mmm!

  46. Absolutely! With all the rain we are getting although not as much as Queensland :)
    I do use quite a bit of pork haha.
    Springroll pastry sounds like a good idea too!


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