Monday, March 8, 2010

Green Beans With Black Sesame Dressing

This is a delicious and addictive side dish that I first tasted a few years back at a local Japanese restaurant and I was lucky enough to find the recipe in a cookbook. You may use toasted white sesame seeds for the paste instead and asparagus, spinach can be used instead of the green beans.
Recipe adopted from Harumi's Japanese Cooking

you'll need;
300 g of green beans
4 tbs of black sesame seeds
2 tbs of mirin
1 tbs of castor sugar
2 tbs of Japanese soy
dash of sesame oil (not in the original recipe but I think it adds an extra dimension to this dish)

Top and tail the beans, slice the bean lengthwise then crosswise.

Blanch green beans for 2 minutes and refresh under cold running water and drain well.

Prepare the paste by pounding everything til you get a nice smooth paste, check for seasonings.

Mix sesame paste with green beans. 

Serve as a side dish as part of a Japanese or Korean meal.


  1. Harumi's recipes are fantastic! Is that what you call these in Oz - green beans? Cos at first I thought you were referring to the actual bean (like green bean soup)!! We call these french beans here. Interesting how diff places name their ingredients. I must try this. It looks so healthy and yummy!

  2. Wow! I love new recipes for green beans. They're fantastic as a side or main.

    And to add black sesame seeds? Heaven!

  3. OOOoooooo... I must try this.. I shall let you know if I bomb out of this!

  4. A very interesting recipe dear:) using black sesame is a great idea:)

  5. I love using sesame seeds in cooking, this is a must try for me! :)

  6. I had it with spinach before and fell in love with it instantly! Thanks for the recipe! :)

  7. My favourite! You are right about using spinach and asparagus too!

  8. This is really intresting and unique dish...What is mirin?

  9. Ju,
    It is a good book, just found out that she is really big in Japan :)
    we call it green beans or french beans here too. You can make this for your husband since this is vegetarian :)

    Brisbane Baker,
    Please try it! It is very delicious!

    msihua ,
    Please do and let me know :)

    Rachana Kothari ,
    Thank you! :)

    Me too! do try it!

    KL girl in MELB,
    Oh it is great you have tried this before!

    little panda,
    Thank you! :)

    Thank you! Mirin is a sweet cooking wine available from Asian grocer.

  10. Oh yeah, and I hope you don't mind, I've added you on to my blogroll =)

  11. I like the simplicity of this recipe. I'll always enjoyed the flavors of sesame oil and green beans, this recipe sounds intriguing.

  12. Great recipe, I can imagine just how tasty this would be.

  13. It sounds like a really interesting dish! I'll try making some soon!

  14. Sounds fabulous, I really like green beans but often get a bit stuck in a rut, preparing them the same way all the time. Thanks for a new idea.

  15. 就像用芝麻醬一樣啊!很有新鮮感!

  16. The greens beans are looking mighty good! An excellent side-dish!

  17. I like this simple recipe with black sesame seeds.

  18. Sounds like a very delicious side dish! I might try it with white sesame seeds since I have some at the moment!

  19. These two ingredients are my favourite. Looks so delicious!

  20. This is really healthy! It looks really delicious!

  21. WOW! never thought black seasame can be done in this way. hmm but i m too lazy to try this time.

  22. Cool! I have never thought of using black sesame paste to stir-fry creative and unique!

  23. This look so healthy and refreshing ! I still have a big tin of organic black sesame, must try this soon.

  24. I love green beans and Japanese food.
    Fantastic recipe.

  25. that looks very good an dinteresting n very very healthy......i will try this...what can i use in place of mirin dyu think?

  26. Great recipe, I think it sounds perfect with the beans. I want to try this! I even have all the ingredients...except the beans!

  27. I bet this is really delicious...I am always looking for new ways to cook veggies.

  28. I love the black sesame dressing, awesome!

  29. Another interesting dish..I love the fierce flavor of black sesame seeds..But never had it in a dressing :-)

  30. This is interesting. Never tried cooking with black sesame seeds!

  31. That sounds so good, I love sesame and green beans. Definitely something I'd like to try.

  32. what a lovely green beans reecipe..and with sesame paste gives adequate special effect and taste to beans...awesome...

  33. I have never cooked with black sesame. This looks very interesting. I'm sure there's great flavour.

  34. Sesame dressing! That sounds delicious!

  35. Thank you everyone for your comments and I hope you'll try it soon :)

    Absolutely! :)

    I have tried it without mirin, it is still delicious. Just adjust the sugar accordingly :)

  36. I love the colours and the way you cook your green beans, it's really gorgeous and so original !

  37. Another simple but effective menu choice from the tummies ... I am so glad I got onto your site!! I pretty much have every ingredient for this so it will be a quick and easy side for tonight's meal ... oh and I used your Sambal Kangkong recipe as a guide last night ... many many thanks!

  38. Great side dish! I think I have tried the spinach version but couldn;t really work out what was in it.

  39. Love the idea of using black sesame seeds as a dressing, might be my first time using black sesame seeds :)

  40. chapot,
    Thank you! It looks better than the photo too :)

    Thank you very much! :) I hope your kang kong turned out well too!

    Thank you! Now you can make your own!

    Good luck trying! :)

  41. That looks very tasty! I love how unpredictable your blog is, in a good way of course! :)

  42. We have some black sesame seeds left , I'm going to try this over the weekend. Is our Thai week this week :)

    Sophia xxx

  43. Sophie,
    Thank you! it is a must try!

    love to eat,
    Haha I think I'm unpredictable, that's why I like doing themes otherwise i'm all over the place!

    Sophia darling,
    Oh you must! I received some phots from Vijay already, good work! xxx

  44. I do love a good vegetable with sesame seed oil. Definitely doing this. Simple but packed with goodly ingredients.

  45. A very healthy and simple recipe!~

  46. I made this last night for dinner but I changed up the recipe a bit. I couldnt find black sesame seeds so I used 4T of tahini and 4 T of sesame seeds. I did use about 1t of sesame seed oil as well. I put it over steamed greens - a mix of kale, swiss chard and spinach. It was incredible! Will definitely make again. If anyone knows of it, i'd love to buy black sesame seed paste (tahini). Thanks!

  47. Lisaarnoff,
    I like the sound of your version :)
    I have never seen tahini made from black sesame seeds before. But u should be able to find chinese sesame paste (zimajiang) from any good Asian grocer :)


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