Monday, October 5, 2009

Japanese Crumbed Pork Cutlet And Curry On Rice カツカレー Tonkatsu Kare

This is one those dishes that once you have tried making it once, you will do it over and over again. This is my third attempt and all the tummies are loving the result. Both me and my friend H ordered tonkatsu curry for lunch at a Japanese cafe on Brunswick street today; it was fairly average so i decided to make a good one for dinner tonight :)

This is what you'll need;
pork loin, butterflied and crumbed with panko bread crumbs
3 potatoes, peeled and diced
3 carrots, peeled and diced
1 onion, peeled and diced
1/2 cup of garden peas
21/2 cups of water
100g Japanese curry paste (pictured bellow)

to make the curry;
stir fry the vegetable individually with a little oil and set aside.
Meanwhile, bring the water to a boil and add in all the vegetable (except the garden peas). Cook till tender.
Add the curry paste, give it a really good stir. Garden peas may be added once the curry sauce has thicken.

to fry the pork cutlet and to assemble;
Shallow fry the cutlets till golden brown, drained and cut into bite size pieces.
Place some cook Japanese rice in a warm bow, top with some curry sauce and vegetables.
Arrange cutlets on top and garnish with some pickled ginger. ITADAKIMASU!!!

Ikebana arrangement for the speacial occasion :)


  1. Made this last night with chicken, I won't even tell you the reactions from everyone. So sayonara to our local Japanese restaurant and hello my kitchen :)

  2. Got the picture you emailed, your attempt looks bloody good for a first timer!!!


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