Thursday, June 21, 2012

Baked Whole Snapper With Salsa Verde

My plan was to make ikan bakar (baked fish Malaysian style) for dinner but it would be too strange to serve it without some steamed rice on the side... and yes we are still on our carbless diet!

Ikan bakar will wait so I settled for plan B instead - baked fish with salsa verde with a simple salad and blanched green beans. Use fish fillets or chicken instead if you are not too comfortable dealing with a whole fish.

serves 2 
oven preheated at 200 C (conventional)
you'll need;
1 whole snapper, cleaned and snipped off fins and tail
1 lemon, thinly sliced
green beans, topped and tailed and blanched
tomato and basil salad to serve

for the salsa verde;
half a bunch of continental parsley, picked
half a bunch of basil, picked
3 spring onions, chopped
6 anchovy fillets
2 tbs of capers
6 garlic cloves
2 tbs of English mustard
2 tbs of white wine vinegar
about 200 ml of good olive oil
salt and pepper to taste

Prepare the herbs and garlic for the salsa verde.

Place all ingredients for salsa verde in a blender and process to a coarse paste.

Rub the fish inside out with half of the salsa verde.

Insert some lemon slices inside the cavity of the fish and the rest all over the fish and bake in the hot oven for 20 to 25 minutes.

Serve with blanched green beans, tomato salad and extra salsa verde on the side.


  1. hai Tummy..apa khabar.Berdiet lagi?bagus..bagus.Ikan bakar jika makan tanpa nasi umpama lagu tanpa irama hehe..ceria ceria selalu:)

  2. This looks delicious. I have never cooked a whole fish in the oven yet and I'm eager to try. This looks like the perfect recipe to start with. Thank you so much. Elizabeth from thedotdotblog.

  3. It's a long time I have not eaten a whole fish like this, esp snapper. Love all the ingredients used. Would be so good with rice. Thanks very much for sharing.

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