Thursday, February 9, 2012

Bangers And Mash From The Tummies' Kitchen

Oh I love bangers and mash and why weren't we served this when we were little?  I have been talking about my childhood dishes since day one and I think it is time to share some of the other tummy's favourite childhood fares as well.

It is easy to pick up top quality sausages with so many wonderful butchers near us and the good news is most supermarkets stocked a huge variety of good quality sausages these days. Make your own gravy if you must but I am quite happy with the packet gravy on the market, it just adds that little naughtiness to an already quite sinful meal.

recipe from the tummies' kitchen
serves 4 as a one dish meal
you'll need;
olive oil
16 good quality sausages of your choice
2 cups of frozen peas
a knob of butter
salt and pepper to taste
beetroot relish to serve

for the onion sauce;
1 large onion, halved then sliced
1 packet of onion gravy, prepared according to the packaging

for the mash;
8 potatoes, boiled until tender with plenty of salted water and peeled and cut into chunks
3 tbs of olive oil
4 tbs of light sour cream
salt and pepper to taste

Saute onion in a pan with a little olive oil until soft and lightly caramelized.

Prepare the onion gravy according to the packaging then mix in to the cooked onion.

For the mash - Return cooked potatoes to the pot and mash it with a potato masher, add in the olive oil and butter and season well with salt and pepper.

Cook sausages in batches and drain well.

Serve sausages with some mash, buttered peas and some onion gravy over. Oh don't forget the relish too.


  1. hi tummy!!! its been tooooooo longggggg hihihi... tummy sihat? nanti kita selak2 n3 lama2 mesti ada yg berkenan :D

  2. This my childhood favourite and it still is :)

  3. You can buy onion gravy in a packet ?

  4. sedapnya:)...bila Tummy balik Msia?


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