Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Moon Viewing Udon 月見うどん Tsukimi Udon

I love dishes with poetic names and this is one of my favourites. 月見 (tsukimi) means moon viewing in Japanese and yes the bright egg yolk does represent the moon here. I was looking forward to a brilliant full moon last thursday but sadly it was a cold and wet night. I prepared this simple noodle dish with some leftover homemade dashi  and was able to view the full moon in the comfort of my heated room. If you need something with more spice remember to check out our 2nd Muhibbah Malaysian Monday roundup.
P.S One may replace the udon with soba.

recipe per serve
you'll need;
udon noodles
spring onion, chopped
1 very fresh free range egg

for the broth;
dash of Japanese soy
dash of mirin
salt to taste

for homemade dashi recipe click HERE.

Prepare the spring onion.

Season the dashi broth with Japanese soy and mirin.

Cook the udon noodles.

Pour the hot broth over the noodles, crack an egg in and sprinkle with spring onions.


  1. This is a comforting meal. I love it.

  2. udon kesukaan anak bujang saya.. kalau malas masak, ni lah menu paling senang. hihihi..

  3. Harriet from CarltonSeptember 1, 2010 at 5:43 PM

    A beautiful looking dish with a very poetic name indeed.

  4. Hi tummy! im here!!!! hihihi... sya bwk big bowl nak bawak balik udon my fev, letak katsuo bushi byk2 sedapnyerrrrrr! :D

  5. Beautiful! I want a big bowl of that too!

  6. Lovely dish! This is perfect on a cold rainy night like this!

  7. Oh this looks good and fairly straightforward too! Time to try this out for dinner on a week night!

  8. Love the name of this great dish. Can it also be called as sunny-side up Udon? :)

  9. Oh NO! IT'S VEGETARIAN! I don't do vegies =(... Hahahah

  10. this is my Michelle's favourite. She always ask for udon. Can try this as breakfast for her. Thanks for sharing :)

  11. Yum, definitely moon-like. I love breaking egg yolks into noodle soups. It's goign to be wet and cold here too, might have to whip this up :)

  12. Looks a comforting meal!
    I shall be certain to try it out asap.

    Big hugs!

  13. Nice and yum!! Yes please a bowl for me :P

  14. does look comforting! Even if it's vegetarian! :D

  15. Oh this is a good light meal to welcome spring :)

  16. I need more simple dishes like this! I have to confess I have been using instant dashi lol

  17. beautiful name for a beautiful dish :)

  18. That is a really love name for this udon :)

  19. Love it! Simple and it just looks amazing!

  20. I love udon soup, and thanks to dashi stock, such a simple soup can still taste very yummy...:).


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