Friday, June 25, 2010

Thod Man Gung ทอดมันกุ้ง Fried Prawn Cakes

This is not something our budget would allow me to make normally but with Crystal Bay prawns selling at $12/kg,  the opportunity was simply to good to be missed. This is an extremely easy dish to prepare especially if you have some willing little helpers to help peel the prawns. Serve this as a snack with drinks, as an entree/starter or as part of a Thai meal. 

serves 4 as part of a Thai meal or as a snack with drinks
makes 16
you'll need;
1 kg of prawns, peeled and rinsed (keep the heads and shells for other use)
2 garlic cloves
1/2  tsp of sea salt
3 coriander roots, cleaned and chopped
1 tsp of white peppercorns
breadcrumbs (I used ponko)
oil for frying
cucumber and tomato slices to serve
sweet chilli sauce or plum sauce to serve

Pound garlic, salt, coriander roots and white peppercorns to a paste. This is also great as a marinade for bbq meat of fish.

Add paste to prawns and blend in a food processor til you get a thick paste.

Place prawn paste in a bowl and knead it til you get a sticky paste.

Form prawn paste into little patties and coat with breadcrumbs.

Fry in batches til golden and drain well before serving.

Serve immediately with cucumber and tomato slices, not to forget the sweet chilli sauce of course.


  1. Oh looks very delicious. Do you have the Thai fish cake recipe as well?

  2. wow! yummy yummyy! anak2 i suker sgt bab gini! nanti leh cubalah! thanx tummy!

  3. These look incredible! I could eat the whole plate!

  4. Great with beer lol Btw $12/kg is a huge bargain!

  5. wow wow looks so good can I add to seafood blog and link to you, hope its driving traffic lol as your blog rocks


  6. The last time I bought prawns it was $36/kg. I might have to try the market instead. A great looking dish btw.

  7. One of my favorite Thai appetizers! Once I start, I cannot stop :O

  8. I love this recipe! It looks so delicious and would be quick and easy to prepare.

  9. amazing! You have the best dishes around! Always make me super hungry!

  10. Hi tummy!!! i hv same q dgn LMH, i dah tanyer maid kat sini dia kata rumit sikt nak buat fish cake tu since dia dah kata ssh so i pun giv up lah malas nak tanyer lagi n i dah goggle tp tak jumpa yg mcm di jual jual d luar sana :-( kalau u ada recipe tu bolehlah share ya :-) tqia! today iftar i will make this recipe ;-) thanks again!

  11. give me one piece! i think the peeling prawns part is the most tedious, good to have kitchen helpers (such as the people who are going to eat it) for that ;)

  12. Wor, this look so yummy, i'm sure my kids will love this as they like to eat shrimp.Thanks for sharing.

  13. 好開胃的小吃呀!12/kg 還真便宜嘔!

  14. hey tummy..this z very easy to make...the recipe n presentation z marvellous...this can be tried it out with chicken also na...lovely..

  15. Harriet from CarltonJune 25, 2010 at 5:43 PM

    You have done it again with this simple and delicious treat! Love the flavoring paste you add in too!

  16. hi tummmy..makcik tak pernah miss singgah dapur tummy..
    tak sia2 singgah dapat lihat resepi ni..
    cucu makcik suka sangat cucur udang ni..akan cuba..mesti cucu puji hehe..

  17. Definitely am gonna try these cakes, very delicious..

  18. uiikk sedapnya !!! makcik suka sangat thai foods....nak buat pun tak sukar so recipe ni dah masuk list...thanks dear tummy:)

  19. Yum! Great recipe. It looks delicious! And it sounds easy to make it even better!

  20. These really are quite lovely. I love prawn cakes though I know them by a different name. I hope you are having a wonderful day. Blessings...Mary

  21. My son told me ... 'Mommy, I want this (pointing at yr pics)!'. Had to tell him he can't eat ... alergic to shell fish :(

    But, Mommy can eat!!! Yay! :)

    Looks really delicious!

  22. Ohh, looks great yet simple to prepare.
    And chilly of course, I never forget it.
    Such a yummy dish!!
    Big hugs!
    ~B xx

    p.s. Thank you so much for your wonderful comments. It means a lot! Highly appreciated!!
    Awww, and as for that cold weather you mentioned on your comments..I'm sending you warm and sunny thoughts, my friend!
    Big hugs!
    ~B xxxx

  23. I also want to eat this! Next time remember to cook more...OK?

  24. Can I have a bite before I go to bed?

  25. I can just taste them and can't wait to make these lovely prawn cakes - thank you for posting this recipe!

  26. Oh wow, those prawns look perfectly fried! My favorite!

  27. LMH ,
    Thank you! I will post that sometime next week!

    hana ,
    Terima kasih! Cubalah! :)

    Thank you! Me too!

    darren ,

    Thank you very much!! Absolutely you may!

    love to eat ,
    Thank you! The market is a better place to shop for prawns I think!

    tigerfish ,
    Haha same here!

    Thank you! It is indeed!

    Oh thank you very much!

    ijayuji ,
    Terima kasih! Sebenarnya tidak rumit same sekali, saya akan buat n3 buat fish cake minggu depan ye!

    Thank you! It is a very good incentive )

    Thank you! Make sure to get them to help you with the peeling bit!

    大肥 ,

    Reshmi ,
    Thank you very much! :)

    Thank you!

    Harriet ,
    Thank you! You well see more of the seasoning soon!

    Oh terima kasih makcik! Sungguh untung cucu makcik :)

    Priya ,
    Thank you very much! Please do!

    makcikmanggis ,
    Tak sukar sama sekali makcik :)

    penny ,
    Thank you! Please do!

    Pam ,
    Thank you very much! It is rather simple.

    Mary ,
    Thank you! The difference lies in the seasonings I think.

    Haha mummy can have more :) Try this with chicken and it will still be tasty :)

    Oh thank you very much!
    You too it is always nice to have your visit! :) xxx

    Anncoo ,
    Thank you! Absolutely!

    Cheah ,
    Absolutely :)

    Cuisine de Provence ,
    Thank you very much! I hope you will try it!

    Sook s,
    Thank you very much! Do make them! :)


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