Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Cucumber & Wakame In Vinegar 胡瓜と若布の酢の物 Kyuri To Wakame No Sunomono

This is a refreshing pickle/relish I learnt from my best friend A's Mother H. I have changed the recipe a little as my pantry is not as complete as hers.

serves 4 as a side dish to go with a Japanese meal
you'll need;
1/4 cup of wakame, soaked in hot water and squeezed dry
1/2 a cucumber, sliced paper thin
1/2 cup of rice vinegar
5 cm knob of ginger, finely julienne
2 tbs of sugar
pinch of salt

Salt cucumber in a colander for 15 minutes, squeeze off excess liquid.

Place cucumber, wakame and ginger in a mixing bowl.

Dissolve sugar and salt in the rice vinegar and add the mixteure to the bowl. Mix well and leave it til needed.


  1. I have to learn more about japanese foods...what is wakame...

  2. It is quite easy makcik..sihat lagi. Wakame tu sejenis seaweed.

  3. I love dishes like these- very light and refreshing accompaniments to other yummy Japanese dishes.

  4. Mmmmm cucumber relish. Perfect for when they start appearing in my garden in July.

  5. Sanjana,
    Thank you very much!

    Thank you very much! Would be great to pick up fresh cucumbers for this!

    Joy ,
    Thank you!

    Thank you!


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