Monday, November 9, 2009

Phat Si Ew ผัดซีอิ๊ว, Thai Fried Rice Noodle With Soy

Phat si ew (豉油 is soy sauce in Chinese) or "fry with soy" is a very close relative of raat naa muu which I posted awhile back. Yet another dish of Chinese origin but it's on all Thai restaurants menus. Very few ingredients are needed for this dish but you do need to have a stove that generates enough heats because "wok hei" or breath of the wok is the key here. Make them in batches or follow my method that works very well. A very satisfying one dish meal that you can whip up in minutes. Do substitute pork with chicken or prawns if you are a not a pork eater.
P.S make sure you get the rice noodles that have not been refrigerated as that will make the noodles hard and brittle, unless you like eating noodle pieces!!

serves 3 as a one dish meal
you'll need;
500g of fresh hor fun, mixed with a dash of soy
150g of pork fillet or chicken, marinated with dash of soy, oyster sauce and pepper
3 eggs
150g of kailan, sliced at an angle
2 cloves of garlic, chopped
2 tbs of light soy
2 tbs of dark soy
pinch of sugar
* cook in small batches for best result

In a smoking hot wok, char noodles mixed with soy with a little oil for a minute, carefully move the noodles around to char the other side. Don't be tempted to move them too much or you'll break them into pieces. Set aside.

Heat the wok again and fry the meat pieces and garlic with a little oil til lightly browned.

Push the meat to one side and when the wok is hot again, add a little more oil and crack in the egg. Let the egg set a little before lightly scrambling it.

Add the kailan and fry for 2 minutes then return the charred noddles to the wok, add seasonings and fry for another few minutes to warm through. Check for seasonings.

Serve immediately with cut chilies with fish sauce.

If you prefer something of an adult version check out phat kee mao, click HERE 


  1. I was just about to make the fried rice again! I just hope the hot weather is not going to go on forever. Thanks!!

  2. I don't mind to eat Thai food every day if the cook is you, haha

  3. Thanks love to eat! I know it's getting so unbearable in Nov? I'll be cooking very simple cold dishes in the next few days so keep cool :)

    Thanks KennyT! That made my day!

  4. 我的最愛!其他兩個空肚子很幸富呀!

  5. 對呀!真的很幸富!他們也知道呀,哈哈!

  6. Ooohh...can't wait to eat this. Looks so delicious.

  7. awww....Thai food....just what I'm in love with lately. I think I'll never have enough of it. This looks so good....mmm. I'll squeeze some lemon juice over it for some tangy taste

  8. Thanks Anncoo ! and its so simple to make too ;)

    Thanks Mary!! I did prepared some chili, fish sauce and lime for that.:)

  9. I have never able to cook this dish without ending up have little pieces of rice sheets, thanks for the tips and your dish just looks amazing!!!

  10. Looks fabulous! It's cold here in New York, this a perdect dish for a cool fall night. Thanks for the recipe.

  11. Thanks Gypsy Chef, do try n let me know what you think!

  12. The fried rice was a huge success with my 2 boys! This looks really simple yet so delicious, must try this too.

  13. I love everything with rice noodles in it! Thanks for the cooking tips and the recipe!!

  14. char koay teow..haha.. hey, yours look ravishing, i wanna try yr style ..

  15. I love Phad Thai with lots of spring onion , beef , garlic , eggs and greens , this picture sure to induce drooling ... hahaha

  16. Thanks Michele! Glad to know the fried rice came out well!!

    Thanks BIBI! It's all about sharing here so you are welcome!!

    Thanks reanaclaire! Yeah Thai char koay teow in a way :)

    Thanks AFTH! I'll post my phat thai recipe soon !

  17. Add me. It will now be 4 hungry tummies. These look so good.

  18. This is like chow fun, which is a dish that I absolutely love! It's amazing to see how rich in color the eggs are in Australia - so yellow-orange. I know not something most people would bring up, but it just struck me, probably because some of the eggs yolks I see here are so pale. It's been a while since I was able to purchase fresh noodles, love and miss the soft texture!

  19. Thanks Fresh Local And Best! Only the free range or organic eggs have
    yellow orange yolks like this, they are a bit more expensive but it's worth paying just to know those hens are living in better conditions. I have noticed you pay a lot of attentions to the produce and I like that!!
    You really can't get fresh noodles?

  20. Such a satisfying meal! :) Un-refridgerated noodles is so counterintuitive, but it really is the key!

  21. Thanks TFG! they are sold within the first 2 days of course !

  22. Great post! Thai Fried Rice Noodle with Soy is truly amazing. I would suggest you to try Moi Soi udon noodles as well.


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