Thursday, September 27, 2012

Mozzarella Filled Meatballs

As promised, a quick post on what I did with the leftover seasoned mince from my spiced meatballs, chickpeas and vegetables soup..... It also gives me an excellent opportunity to further promote my spiced tomato relish.

This is a not only a fun item to serve at your next cocktail party (or your kid's birthday party?), it is also a quick way to whip up something delicious when your friend turns up with some cold beers on a sunny afternoon. 

I happened to have some mozzarella in my fridge (not quite the artisan type I'm afraid or there simply won't be any leftover in the first place) and thought it might be a good idea to make a stuffing out of it. A good idea it was and I had to make a second (larger) batch soon after, which was duly enjoyed in the warm spring sun with my beer bearing friend K.

I just remember both the footy and rugby union grand finals are to be staged this weekend. The traditional Aussie BBQ is out according the weather forecast, so why not have an indoor party with plenty of delicious finger food instead? Apart from these meatballs which are going to be a big hit with your friends, here are a few more suggestions if you are going to have a party;

recipe from the tummies' kitchen
makes about 15
oven preheated at 220 C (conventional)
you'll need;
~1.5 cups seasoned mince
mozzarella cheese or tasty cheese, cut into 1 cm cubes
a little oil for frying

Pick up a small amount of seasoned mince and form meatball the size slightly larger than a chestnut, wrap the mince around a cube of cheese.

Brown meatballs with a little oil until golden all over, transfer pan to the hot oven and cook for 8 to 10 minutes.

Serve the delicious cheese filled meatballs with some spiced tomato relish on the side.

The spiced tomato relish goes beautifully with the cheese filled meatballs...

Try not to tell your friends about the filling and allow them to discover the pleasant surprise themselves.


  1. Hi tummy!!! semalam baru buat meatloaf, daging kisar dah habes :D esok leh carik lagi nanti boleh sumbat mozarella pulak :D bestnya tgk mozarela tu cairr, yummmyyyyy!!

  2. I am just looking for finger food for my party and you have already put up a list of that :) thank you! I am so going to make these meatballs!

  3. Yes! we are preparing some for the party tomorrow!

  4. Ellerinize sağlık, çok güzel ve iştah açıcı görünüyor.



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