Saturday, July 28, 2012

Tori No Karaage 鶏のからあげ Japanese Fried Chicken

As promised here's the recipe for tori no karaage (Japanese fried chicken).

This is also one of the components in A's bento boxes I mentioned in my last post. A popular everyday dish that is of Chinese origin - a fact that was confirmed by Hiro who also shown us her way of making this dish that is known as Hiro's fried chicken by both A and her sister.

Making someone's favourite childhood dish can be a tricky business but thankfully I did get the thumbs up by the fussy taster.

I think I have been bitten by the Japanese bug after the lovely lunch we had and a trip to Daiso (where mainly not very useful cute Japanese things are sold) so there will be more Japanese dishes in the coming days. However I will fit in a Malaysian Monday post next week, remember the roundup won't happen for another week so I hope I will receive a few entries till then.

recipe adapted from Hiro Fanning
serves 4 to 6 as part of a Japanese meal
you'll need;
1 kg of skinless chicken thighs, cut into manageable pieces
8 cm piece of ginger, peeled and grated
4 cloves of garlic grated
3 tbs of oyster sauce
2 tbs of soy
2 tbs of mirin
about 1 cup of corn flour
oil for frying

Cut chicken into manageable size.

Place seasonings, grated ginger and garlic in a large bowl.

Mix well and marinate for at least an hour or over night.

Add corn flour to the bowl , mix to ensure each piece of chicken is well coated with the flour.

Drench off excess flour from the chicken pieces and fry in plenty of hot oil until golden and crispy.

Serve as part of a Japanese meal.

Or seen here as part of the offerings in a bento. Recipes for origini (rice balls) will be posted next so please stay tuned! Also don;t forget to check out my karashi mentaiko supagetti (spaghetti with mentaiko).


  1. Been waiting for you to post the recipe :) Delicious!

  2. i going to make this for my kid's bento lunch, i am sure they will love it!

  3. Harriet From CarltonJuly 28, 2012 at 4:47 PM

    Love it! I think I will make a batch soon.

  4. Hi tummyyyyyyyy!!!! byk rinduuuuuuu sama kamuuuuu :D sihat ke? i baru warm up, tgh gigih blogwalking :D i suke tori karaage, oishisou!

  5. Love Japanese fried chicken. Nice recipe, thanks.

  6. Loved it, wanted more, gimme more!!!! Yum!


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