Saturday, May 12, 2012

Khao Phat Amerikan ข้าวผัดอเมริกัน American Fried Rice

Popularly believed to be created by mia chao or "hired wives" during the Vietnam War when there were a large population of American soldiers stationed in Thailand. With very little or no knowledge of western food, these women created this strange but delicious fried rice using some of the favourite ingredients of the foreign men they were living with.

I made this popular Thai dish with some bacon and frankfurters leftover from a very sinful breakfast the previous morning. Sometimes peas, raisins or pieces of fried chicken are also added since they are also considered as western ingredients to the Thais.

makes one serve
you'll need
3 frankfurters
1 rash of bacon
1 egg
2 cloves of garlic, chopped
1 egg, lightly beaten
1.5 cups of cooked rice
2 tbs of tomato ketchup
2 tbs of Maggie seasoning
dash of pepper
cucumber slices to serve

Remove the bacon rind, make a cross at each end of the frankfurters and chopped the garlic.

Fry bacon and frankfurters to your liking, remove and drain well.

Add a little more oil to the wok and saute the garlic for a 20 seconds, push it aside and add in the beaten egg, scramble the egg a little then add in the cooked rice. 

Mixing and breaking down lumps as you go, add seasonings (if you are using peas and raisin add them now) continue to stir fry on high heat for another minute or two.

Serve fried rice with bacon, frankfurters and some cucumber slices and top with a fried egg. You might want to serve it with some extra tomato ketchup on the side.


  1. Simply delicious! I could eat this any time of day! I do like making fried rice...a good way to use up some leftovers.


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