Saturday, December 3, 2011

Sticky Soy And Garlic Meatballs 蒜香醬油肉圓

I was determined to use up a container of leftover rice in the fridge. Fried rice should have been the easy option but I wanted something more substantial in the form of rice congee/porridge with a few side dishes on a rather chilly evening.

Apart from the omelet with preserved turnip and a simple stir fried greens, I also came up with a new meatball dish using a packet of the humble pork mince. You may serve these juicy meatballs coated with the garlicky, sweet and savoury sauce as part of a Chinese meal (either with steamed rice or rice congee) or they are the perfect snack with drinks.

P.S to turn your left over rice into congee. simple add 1 part of rice to 3 parts water and simmer for 15 to 20 minutes, adding more water if you prefer your congee to be more watery. For more congee/rice porridge ideas, check out my pork balls congee with side dishes,  congee with poached chicken slivers and rainbow abundace congee.

recipe from the tummies' kitchen
serves 3 to 4 as part of a Chinese meal
you'll need;
500 g of mince of your choice
1/2 cup of chopped water chestnuts
2 spring onion (white parts only), minced
1 tsp of grated ginger
1 tsp of sesame oil
2 tbs of light soy
2 tbs of oyster sauce
a dash of white pepper
a dash of Chinese cooking wine
1 egg, lightly beaten
about 4 to 5 tbs of corn flour
oil for frying
chopped spring onions for topping
toasted sesame seeds for topping

for the sauce;
10 cloves of garlic, chopped
1/2 cup of chicken stock
3 tbs of light soy
2 tbs of dark soy
3 tbs of sugar or honey
dash of sesame oil

For the meatballs - place mince, water chestnuts, spring onion, seasonings, beaten egg and corn flour in a large bowl and mix well. Form mixture into 20 balls the size of ping pong and lightly coat them with a little corn flour.

Place all ingredients for the sauce (except for the garlic) in a bowl and mix well.

Pan fry (or deep fry) meatballs with a little oil until golden brown and make sure they are cook through.

Saute chopped garlic with a little oil until golden then return the meatballs to the pan. 

Add the sauce mixture and mix well. Cook on low heat until the sauce has thicken and form a coating on the meatballs.

Sprinkle with chopped spring onions and toasted sesame seeds and serve as part of a Chinese meal.


  1. The meatballs sound awesome...10 cloves of garlic!

  2. Mmmmm...these do look finger licking good! I love the intense color of the meatballs, and I use minced pork all the time!

  3. Harriet From CarltonDecember 3, 2011 at 2:17 PM

    Oh they do look extremely appetizing! Good work :)

  4. Indeed they will be good with a beer or two!

  5. wonderful invention my friend! I would finish them before they get to the dinner table lol

  6. Just found your blog and am thoroughly addicted!

  7. Fantastic recipe cooked them this evening for dinner. Quick and super tasty, they'll go into the week night dinner list for sure!

    Photo: ^_^

  8. Hhehe thanks everyone for your comment I hope you will give it a try soon.

  9. Hey Rory,
    Thanks for trying and they look wonderful :)
    Thanks for the photo :)

  10. Tried it! My son loved it thank u!! Your blog is the best!

  11. good ide

  12. good idea <a href=">arfistore</a>


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