Friday, August 19, 2011

Sashimi 刺身

After obtaining some very fresh sashimi grade fish from the market I was getting all excited about my sushi and maki sushi making exercise but unfortunately our bamboo rolling mat was discarded during our big move.... I think.

There was no panic and swearing with plan A ruined, plan B was put in place calmly. Half of the fish was used for a sashimi platter and the rest turned into bowls of very colourful chirashizushi (scattered sushi bowl).

Other fish like snapper and mackerel  can be used as long as they are of sashimi grade and not on the endangered list. (ie. bluefin tuna)

serves 2 to 3 as an entree 
I used;
250 g of king fish
250 g of salmon
250 g yellowfin tuna
finely jullienned daikon (Chinese radish)
Japanese soy to serve
wasabi to serve
pickled ginger to serve

With a very sharp knife, slice fish into thin slices. I know this takes years to master but hey it's only lunch at home with friends.

Arrange sashimi on top of a bed of julienned daikon and serve with wasabi, soy and pickled ginger on the side.


  1. i always get a bit scared at the idea of doing sashimi at do you make sure everything's clean and safe? do you have to -i don't know- sterilise the blade in boiling water or do sth to kill any possible parasites?? that platter looks fabbbbb!

  2. Harriet From CarltonAugust 19, 2011 at 5:03 PM


  3. That looks so pretty! You can use a clean tea towel instead of your bamboo rolling mat if you get stuck.

  4. oh wow.... The fish is super fresh. Why did you get them from?

  5. Good work and that is a very pretty platter!

  6. Shu Han,
    I think a little bit of germ on the knife is fine as long as the fish is super fresh.

    Harriet From Carlton,
    Thank you!

    MorseyRuns ,
    Thank you and thanks for the tips!

    Toyin O. ,
    Thank you!

    penny aka jeroxie ,
    Thank you! I got them from Vic Market.

    CW ,
    Thank you very much!

    Rebecca from Chow and Chatter,
    Thank you :)

  7. Looks so pretty!
    I think I can personally finish 1 plate of salmon sashimi... :-)
    I'm always worried whether the fish will be very fresh if I were to do it at home.

  8. Oh, it's easy to make sashimi at home. When we go fishing, we use a few of our catch as sashimi. All you need is a sharp knife. But if you caught the fish by yourself, it's better to put it in the freezer overnight at a very low temperature. This will kill the bacteria and other parasites in the fish.


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