Thursday, July 21, 2011

Roast Chicken Noodle Soup 燒雞湯麵

We used to put away the smallest amount of leftover food with the good intention of avoiding wastes but little did we know we were turning our fridge into a mini landfill instead. At the end the funky smell would bring us back to the many bowls, jars and containers of unidentified matters hidden at the back section of the fridge... YUCK!

These days leftovers are turning up in lunch boxes or are used soon after to avoid anyone having to take up the awful task of emptying and cleaning the fridge, with or without a curse or two during the process.

I prefer fried rice and simple noodle dishes when I am cooking for just myself. Not only there are very little planning and shopping involved, it is also a great opportunity  to use up the bits and pieces in both the fridge and the pantry. 

This is a great example of my home alone dinner and I simply can't think of a better way of using up the leftover roast chicken from our Sunday roast!

recipe per serve
you'll need;
leftover roast chicken or turkey, meat removed and shredded reserving the bones
3 cups of water
2 slices of ginger
1/2 tbs of chicken powder
dash of light soy
dash of sesame oil
dash of Chinese cooking wine
2 dried egg noodles or use whatever noodles you can find
1 bokchoy or any Asian greens, cleaned and cut into manageable pieces
1 spring onion, chopped
1 bird chili, chopped
salt and white pepper to taste

Have all the ingredients ready.

Place chicken bones, ginger, spring onion and seasonings in a pot together with 3 cups of water and simmer for 15 minutes skimming from time to time. Remove solids and adjust the seasonings.

Cook noodles in a pot of boiling water until al dente then blanch the bokchoy briefly and place both in a large bowl.

Add the shredded chicken and ladle some of the hot broth over.

Sprinkle with chopped spring onions, chili and some chicken fat and I also added some Cantonese chili oil to mine.


  1. Makcik baru kemas peti sejuk hari ni..haha Yuck ada yg dah luput tarikh gunanya:)...

  2. This is exactly what I do with leftover roast chicken from the supermarket :) Minus the chicken fat ;p Looks delicious!

  3. A magnificent way to use leftovers!

  4. There are no mortal words to describe this recipe you have here. This is just brilliant! Usually I just heat up all the left overs and try my best to eat everything because I don't like to throw food away. But what you have here just gave me an idea on how to work on those left-over noodles I have lying around.

    Thanks for posting! :)

  5. this is So easy to make and it looks delicious. The ingredients are so cheap and easy to find. Now off to hotel and time to shop in Brisbane market.

  6. that looks so delicious! usually i'm really lazy with leftovers, i just heat it up and eat it, but you've made it something really good!

  7. We always have good intentions on eating up leftovers. I have learned to use glass containers from Lock & Lock so I can see exactly what's in there to eat up!

    You soup is an awesome comfort dish! Yum!

  8. Make this a few days ago - excellent! I doubled the water and ginger, boiled the broth for an hour, added fresh cilantro and snow peas as garnish and added a hard boiled egg to the end product. I used vermicelli as that's my favorite noodle :) Super simple and super tasty. Thanks!


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