Thursday, April 21, 2011

Polpettone Wrapped With Prosciutto

What is your favourite thing to eat when it is raining cats and dogs out there? For me meatballs always top the chart. I made this mother of all meatballs dish yesterday when it was bucketing down with rain. I learnt this from an Italian friend a while back and it has been a tummies' favourite ever since. My Italian boss who is not very generous with compliments proclaimed "My mum makes the best meatballs and these are just as good as hers!" Now that was one hell of a compliment! 
P.S Have a happy and safe holidays everyone! 

serves 6 with a side salad
you'll need;
1 kg of pork and veal mince
3 brown onions, finely chopped
4 cloves of garlic, chopped
5 sprigs of thyme, chopped
a handful of parsley, chopped
1/2 cup of grated parmesan cheese
1 egg, lightly beaten
1 cup of breadcrumbs
18 slices of prosciutto
1 bottle of passata
1/2 cup of dry red wine
3 bay leaves
3 sprigs of thyme
salt and pepper to taste
olive oil for cooking
parmesan shavings to serve
chopped parsley to serve

Saute half of the chopped onion and garlic with some olive oil until soften. Turn off the heat and add the chopped herbs, allow the mixture to cool.

Place mince in a large bowl follow by the grated parmesan, egg, breadcrumbs, onion/garlic mixture, season with salt and pepper and mix very well.

Divide meat mixture into 6 equal parts and form into neat round balls. Wrap each meatball tightly with 3 slices of prosciutto.

Brown the wrapped meatballs in batches until well browned. Remove and set aside.

To make the sauce - add a little extra olive oil to the same pan and saute the other half of the chopped onion and garlic until soften, scrapping the bottom of the pan as you go. Add the pasatta, red wine, stock, salt, pepper and herbs and let it simmer for 5 minutes.

Return the meatballs to the pan, cover and simmer for 20 minutes.

Shave some parmesan and sprinkle some chopped parsley over, wash it down with a nice glass of red wine. I served the meatballs with a endive salad with crispy bacon but any bitter greens will work well I think.

These buggers are extremely filling - you will only need one per person, making this a rather economical meal to make.


  1. Wow yum! Can you go wrong with wrapping something in procsciutto? I think not!

  2. Oh my, they sound fantastic. No wonder you gained the boss's praise :) Have a great easter break.

  3. Hello, I featured your polpettone in my post with a link to you!

  4. Oh my goodness this looks amazing! mmmm would love to eat it with some spaghetti underneath.


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