Monday, October 4, 2010

Muhibbah Malaysian Monday Roundup No 3

The first Monday of the month can only be one thing, it's time for another roundup of Muhibbah Malaysian Monday! We would like to thank Nate and Annie from House Of Annie for doing a great job for hosting the September event. Many thanks to all of you who took part too!  Please head over to Nate and Annie's blog and check out the all the delicious entries

I will be hosting the October event, so please cook up and storm and send all your entries to 

For more informations about the event please click HERE.


  1. Hi tummy!!! missssss u!!! :D miss ur foods actually n i dah bookmarked sumeeeee sekali :D especially recipe nasu tu ;-).. akn cuba buat hari ini tak pun besok sbb i dah beli nasu dr friday lepas :D, thanks for sharing!!

  2. Interesting event! ;)

    Thanks for sharing the Crumbed Boxing Chicken recipe ya! My son asked for more just now, so I shall be making them again tonight...hahaha!

    Ooooo that's real pain without an assistant. Thought U have someone by ur side. hehe :D

  3. Can't wait to check out all the entries!

  4. That's another wonderful round up!

  5. Is it ok to bring in 'pau flour' into Aussie land? Would like to 'tumpang' a friend to bring over to my girl. Or is it available in China town groceries? Another name is HK flour. Have googled to search under Aussie customs but no mention about flour.

  6. Thanks for letting me host! It was a lot of fun. I'd like to do it again sometime ;-)

  7. My goal is to participate at least 1 week this month.


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