Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Rib Eye Steak With Onion Rings And Rocket

It might not be quite what one would get at Rockpool but at a tiny fraction of the price, something quite delicious can be prepared at home. Yes I am talking about a beautiful piece of steak. There are no fancy sauces or side dishes, I serve the perfectly cooked steaks with some herb butter, crispy onion rings and some dressed rocket. A very satisfying meal indeed (if only I had baked a pudding as well!)
P.S The whole meal cost around $35 which is less than the cheapest serve of steak at Rockpool, so before saving up for a great meal there this will do for the time being.

serves 3
preheated oven at 200 C
you'll need;
3 pieces of organic steak on the bones (I bought a rib eye roast and cut into 3)
3 large brown onions, thickly sliced
1/2 l of full cream milk
100 g of butter
a handful each of thyme, parsley and basil
salt and pepper to taste
olive oil
oil for frying

For the herb butter - place butter and herbs in a food processor and whiz til combine.

Season steaks well and brown steaks all over on a hot griddle.

Place in a hot oven for 9 - 10 minute (medium rare) checking after 7 minutes for doneness. Rest meat for 5 minutes.

Soak sliced onions with milk for 20 minutes, drain well and drench with flour.

Fry onion rings in batches, drain well and season generously with sea salt.

We had a wonderful bottle of Bishop Shiraz to go with our meal courtesy of the tummy.


  1. Great pictures! Everything looks wonderful and delicious!

  2. Just finished eating and hungry for your dinner. Yes, there is a full but hungry tummy in Minnesota wanting your steak and onion rings.

  3. I have not had dinner yet and this looks wonderful!!

  4. This is my kind of meal. The steak looks perfectly cooked and the onion rings look crispy and delicious.

  5. Good morning..first I must tell you how delicious the Lebanese chicken rice turned out! I have some leftover so that is going to be my lunch :)
    This is a wonderful meal for $35, where did you get your beef from?

  6. 哇你天天大肉,不怕高胆固醇啊! My hub will make lots of noise if I serve him lots of meat everyday :O

  7. OMG!!!masakan Tummy ni memang ada "class"makcik tabik la....makcik hanya mampu buat onion rings je:)Tahniah buat Tummy!!!

  8. Oh that looks wonderful..serving the steak with onion rings is a good idea!

  9. Catherine,
    Thank you very much!

    Claudia ,
    Haha thank you and I am very happy to know that!

    Michael ,
    Haha Thank you!

    Bo ,
    Thank you! It was my first attempt at the onion rings :)

    love to eat ,
    That is a wonderful news!
    I got it from my local Coles, they come in different weight (number of ribs) I think it very good value for money.

    哈哈!也有吃菜跟運動呀!very rarely we have a big piece of meat like this.

    Haha terima kasih! masakan ni begitu simple sahaja. Yang pening kepala onion rings tu. satu dapur saya berbau minyak pulak :(

    Thank you! I think it is better than chips as the steak itself it quite filling.

  10. Are you guys having a eat meat week lol
    That is a perfect plate of steak for me. I just checked Rockpool's website, the food looks amazing but a little dear for me hehe

  11. this is the yummiest looking meal!
    humm love the onion rings!

  12. 哇好好料呀!你的牛扒餐超棒呀!

  13. This looks like a terrific meal. The whole thing is something I could eat anytime! Great photos. Is one of the Tummies out so there is a plate for me?

  14. $ 35 สำหรับอาหารอร่อยนี้ถูกมาก

  15. looks great miss Rocket its more popular in the UK than here, oh I don't remember my MUM using flour to brown it?


  16. Umm....wow. Steak and onion rings? And a fantastic sauce? Can I move in?

  17. The rib eye looks so big! Massive meal but must be very satisfying.

  18. can I go over your place? wish I can try out this wonderful dish, well done dear.

  19. Wow the steak is so big I can have it over 2 meals :)
    Looks so tasty with the onion rings!

  20. Love the ribeye steak! I like it simply with slat and pepper. Some truffle sauce would be nice too. :-)) And of course, a meal without wine is also hard to imagine.

  21. It's true - this is much cheaper to prepare at home and what's best, you got yourself organic steak!

  22. salam tummy..eh lapar ni..tambah2 lapar bila tenguk menu ni..onion rings.. suka sangat..thanks sharing..

  23. Everytime i come here, ur dishes tempts me a lot...beautiful and droolworthy spread again..

  24. KL girl in MELB ,
    Thank you very much! Not quite I need to get back to my Asian diet!

    Lady Ren,
    Thank you very much!

    大肥 ,

    Thank you very much! You can visit anytime!

    muu :),

    Thank you! I will try.

    Me, Myself and Pie,
    Thank you! Just a small Q :)

    It was quite big that's why I didn't serve any carbs :)

    Thank you! Anytime dear!

    shanshan ,
    Haha It might look bigger in the photo too.

    Thank you very much! I know it is hard to imagine!

    Absolutely although it is nice to go out once in a while :)

    Terima kasih makcik, pertama kali bikin onion ring tu, suka sekali!

    Amanda ,
    Gracious! :)

    Haha thank you very much dear!

  25. I don't mind to have a piece of that delicious rib eye steak on my table now ;))

  26. what a yummy treat..can i come over for lunch??? superb!!!

  27. Oh yum, that steak looks superb, but you know what caught my eye? The onion rings. I love them but never bothered to make them before. Keen to try now :)

  28. You are cooking such good food with $35. Cheap and cheerful takeaway costs more than that! :(

  29. Looking yummy and scrumptious.. I love onion rings. I love the way you detailed all the recipes. Beautiful presentation and lovely recipes...

  30. Great meal buddy! You did very well with $35! I have never tried making onion rings before, must try!

  31. those steaks are huge darling! I can have some of the onion rings right now though!

    Sophia xxx

  32. Ok, I am slapping myself for ever considering vegetarianism. This looks wonderful.

  33. Anncoo ,
    Haha thank you!

    Sarah Naveen,
    Thank you! Anytime dear!

    Thank you! It was my first time making it too :)

    Tricia ,
    Thank you! Our meals are all around the $30 mark.

    Thank you very much! I am glad they are helpful.

    Thanks buddy, They are advertising about a family meal under $10 lol My first time making onion rings too.

    Sophia darling,
    I think they looked bigger in the phtos. I don't mind some myself too! xxx

    Wretchdz ,
    Haha That is the reason I have never considered being a vegetarian haha


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