Thursday, May 27, 2010

Fish With Fresh Tomato Sauce (Ca Chien Sot Chua Ngot)

There have been unofficial requests for Vietnamese food lately and since there was still quite a lot of ingredients left from our recently concluded "Thai food week at the tummies'" I decided Vietnamese might be the way to go. Although not a cuisine I was familiar with til about 10 years ago, I am quite confident cooking it now thanks to all the practice I had with the help of Mai Pham's "Pleasure Of The Vietnamese Table"*. This is a very simple but delicious dish but you have to make sure you are using the best tomatoes you can lay your hands on.
P.S *This is a wonderful book on Vietnamese food. It is very informative with easy to follow recipes, from street food to precious family recipes. You might need to use your imaginations a little as there are only a few black and white photos in the book.

recipe adapted from "Pleasures Of The Vietnamese Table"
serves 4 as part of a Vietnamese meal
you'll need;
600 g of rockling fillet*
3 garlic cloves, chopped
2 shallots, minced
2 tbs of dried chili flakes
2 tbs of sugar
3 tbs of fish sauce
3 vine ripen tomatoes*, cut into 1 cm cubes
3/4 cup of chicken stock
corn flour solution
1 red chili, julienne
1/2 cup of coriander leaves
2 spring onions, julienne
juice of one lime (optional)
* I think it will make the dish even more attractive if different colour tomatoes are used.

Prepare the ingredients.

Saute garlic and shallot then add in the chili flakes.

Add 2/3 of the tomotoes, stock and seasonings and continue to cook for 5 minutes. Thicken with corn flour solution and add in the rest of the tomatoes and warm through just before serving.

Fry fish in batches til lightly brown.

Pour the sweet and tangy sauce over the fried fish and garnish with spring onion, chili and coriander leaves. Squeeze the lime all over.

One word - DELICIOUS!

This has been submitted to Delicious Vietnam,  an event co-hosted by Anh of A Food Lover's Journey and Hong and Kim of Ravenous Couple. Hong and Kim are hosting the June event.


  1. I love Vietnamese food! This dish is new to me, but the ingredients and combination is distinctly Vietnamese. This looks sensational!

  2. Love the sauce, more rice please..yum yum.

  3. That looks YUMMY!


  4. I am a fan of Vietnamese food and this is totally new to me. It looks marvelous!

  5. wow..satu lagi resepi yang sungguh menarik:)pasti dalam list makcik ni...terima kasih for sharing:)

  6. Thanks for sharing this wonderful dish and the introduction of the wonderful sounding cookbook! It is time to try some real gems and not the usual suspects :)

  7. I love a good bowl of Pho and I have never been turned off by any Vietnamese dish, quite the contrary; I actually love the cuisine and want to learn more; I will try to get a hold of that book and who knows maybe even visit Vietnam someday!

  8. I'm really glad you shared this...I really don't know much about Vietnamese food...It looks really good...I'll have to see is I can find that cook book.

  9. New to me too! I am very happy to have this all the time!

  10. Wat a beautiful dish, very new for me.

  11. Beautiful dish as usual. The cookbook sounds really interesting but I can only follow books with photos, perhaps you can showcase more recipes here hehe

  12. Mmm... yum! The sweetness and sourness of tomato goes well with fish :)

  13. Harriet from CarltonMay 27, 2010 at 5:51 PM

    Are you doing a Vietnamese series? :) This is a beautiful dish and I just just imagine how delicious the tomato sauce must taste!

  14. Fresh Local and Best,
    Thank you very much!

    Gay Guy,
    Thank you! :)

    msihua ,
    Haha don't be, make some!

    Sonia ,
    Thank you very much!

    Daij ,
    Thank you very much!

    Thank you!

    terima kasih makcik...cubalah nanti!

    CW ,
    Thank you! You will love the book!

    Thank you! I love my pho too. You will have so much use of the book :)

    I think you can get it over the net! Thank you!

    Thank you!

    Priya ,
    Thank you! Try it sometimes.

    LMH ,
    Thank you! Then the book is not for you then :(

    the lacquer spoon ,
    Thank you! The worked very well indeed!

    Harriet ,
    Yes I will be sharing some Vietnamese recipes over the next few days! Thank you!

  15. Very beautiful dish. I know I will like this one. Suresh, all your food are just so delicious! I wish I am your neighbour! :D

  16. That looks so delicious - I can imagine it with lots of white rice! Bookmarked it for the next time I have fish!

  17. I am going to make this over the weekend..can't take my eyes of it!

  18. I did something similar before...but yours definitely better, much better!

  19. This looks lovely! Loving the bit of heat that the pepper must incorporate to this dish.

  20. This is my family's favourite and you have done a very good job!

  21. Hey buddy I am very excited to see some interesting Vietnamese dishes from you. I know only the usual suspects!

  22. Well, this looks really delicious! I've not made Vietnamese food and will have to try it for the spicy goodness. We have a Vietnamese restaurant nearby that makes great dishes, so I just have to try this one and do it myself. Thanks!

  23. Mary,
    Oh thank you very much! We will be cooking everyday lol

    Thank you! I hope you are going to like it!

    Tricia F,
    Thank you very much! :)

    Thank you very much! :) Love to see ur version.

    Sinful Southern Sweets ,
    Thank you! Just the right amount of heat!

    Thank you! Always good to hear from the native :)

    Thank you buddy! They are a few on the day!

    Thank you! You are going to love this one!

  24. Oh that dish looks very very appetizing. Im keeping the recipe..I think my husband wld love it.tq :))

  25. I like fish and this one looks very delicious!

  26. I'm going to figure this out for my ktichen this weekend. I love the tangy sauce and the fish is perfect. Yes, delicious is correct. (And scrumptious)

  27. I often prepare fish in this manner! And this looks just fantastic! Vietnam is near the top of my list of places to visit, I'm told by a friend who is a travel agent that the food is incredible and the countryside not to be missed!

  28. ooh..this looks fabulous! you should submit this to Delicious Vietnam, a monthly blogging event to celebrate vietnaemese food...we'll love to have it!

  29. New meal to meal!
    Sounds delicious!
    Always amazed at your recipes/photos!!
    B xx

  30. This looks gorgeous and truly satisfying. It's one of those dishes that warms the body and the soul. I hope you are having a wonderful day. Blessings...Mary

  31. So very delicious! And healthy.

  32. Good morning! I am here to get some ideas for my lunch with the girls today and this looks perfect. Now I have to decide between this and the steamed fish :(

  33. zurin,
    Thank you very much! He is a lucky man! :)

    little panda ,
    Thank you!

    Thank you very much! I hope you will get it sorted :)

    natural selection,
    Thank you! You must share your version.
    You will love Vietnam! The food..the people...everything!

    Ravenous Couple ,
    Thank you! I just did! :)

    Thank you very much! You always leave such sweet comments ;) xxx

    Adventures in Domestic Cooking,

    Thank you! It certainly does :)

    Thank you! Hope it make into your healthy list!

    love to eat ,
    Thank you! Let me know what you ended up cooking!

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