Friday, March 19, 2010

Spicy Fried Salmon From The Tummies' Kitchen

Oh it is Friday night again and all I wanted to do was to stay in and cook something simple for myself. Opps!  I forgot to shop for food but luckily the are some salmon off cuts that I saved from another meal. Since I have been blogging about Malaysian food for the past week, I decided I should come up with something simple that would go well with with the rest of the Malaysian dishes. I made a simple paste to marinate the fish briefly then using the same paste to make a "sauce". I am very pleased wih the result, quick and simple meal can be delicious too!

serves 2 as part of a Malaysian meal
you'll need;
400 of salmon fillet or fish of your choice
4 garlic cloves, chopped
1 shallot, chopped
1 tbs of turmeric powder
1/2 tbs of cumin powder
1/2 tbs of coriander powder
1 lemongrass (white part only) minced
salt and white pepper to taste
1/4 of a cup of water
2 tbs sugar

To prepare the paste, pound everything (except the water and sugar) to a rough paste.

Marinate the fish pieces with the spice paste for 20 minutes. Scrap off the paste before frying, reserve the spice paste.

Pan fry salmon pieces.

In the same pan, fry the reserved spice paste with a little oil for a minute. Add in water and sugar and simmer til the oil separates.

Spoon the sauce over the fish pieces and garnish with spring onions, red and green chillies and coriander leaves and a good squeeze of lime juice. Sambal kecap  is great with this dish.

Not bad for something that took me less than 15 minutes to prepare!


  1. Great work darling! Your 15 minute efforts looks fantastic!
    Vijay xxx

  2. That looks sooooo good...

    And don't be silly.. you don't live far away at all...!! I take the train everyday to Parliament and cut across (on foot) the Fitzroy Gardens to East Melb to get to work.. Don't be lazy =P

  3. You must love cooking so much that you keep coming up with such beautiful dishes! I can't believe this only took you 15 minutes by looking at the photos!

  4. besok pagi makcik akan ke Cold storage nak cari salmon..looks yummy.! will try this recipe..simple dan sedap.Thank you :)

  5. Great quick meal! It really looks fantastic!

  6. Simple and delicious indeed! You always managed to make simple food looks so beautiful!

  7. I love Salmon, it makes for such a quick healthy meal.

  8. Yes, my favourite! That looks very delicious. Would be soooo good with rice...yum

  9. You are fantastic! Whipping up such a delicious meal in 15mins. The other 2 Hungry Tummies are very lucky to have you!!

  10. I can imagine how the house will smell like! hehe...

  11. Kenny,
    Haha a house is for lease opposite mine ;)

    Vijay darling, Thank you! xxx

    Thank you!
    I know not very keen on taking the public transports :)

    Yes I do love my cooking very much lol Thank you.

    Sama sama makcik! :)

    Thank you very much! :)

    Thank you very much! :)

    Thank you! It is rather healthy I think!

    MaryMoh ,
    Thank you! I had an fried egg and sambal kecap pour over it :)

    Thanks hehe sometimes is easy to just cook what is in the fridge rather than too much planning. Doesn't always work though :)

    I normally cook salmon on my wok burner outside :) the sauce smells good though ")

  12. I decided to stay home and I cooked something very simple too. The similarity ends there, mine was a packet of Korean spicy noodle with some bokchoy and an egg. This is what I should have cooked! Looks wonderful!

  13. Oh yes, I agree with KennyT.

    I wish I was your neighbor too, but the smell of all your delicious dinners would make me super hungry alll the time! :)

  14. A beautiful, quick meal. Full of elegance!

  15. Every dish your prepared here look so delicious. I just wanted to try out everything. I am going to try out your mee goreng today.

  16. Oh my, how nice! Reading through the recipe I could feel all those ingredients blending in and literally feel the taste in my mouth. Good one!

  17. 好棒呀!才十五分鐘的美味大餐!

  18. my hubby would go crazy over this have a great weekend Rebecca

  19. Ooo I was going to make salmon for dinner- I will try to make it less spicy for the monkeys but will follow this.

  20. Beautiful looking dish!

  21. fishy friday! and what gorgeous fish dishes...incredible...

  22. I like fish only when it is this recipe is perfect for me..:-)

  23. Good god, I am going ravenous just looking at all the splendid meals coming from you kitchen. You "3 guys" have my highest regard for taking the kitchen by storm. Those salmon fillets with pounded spice-rub is certainly drool-worthy!

  24. im learnign a lot from you GUYS! beautiful looking dish :)

  25. Such a lovely meal and so simply made. I wish I had more recipes like this one. I really like the spices you've added to give the fish some bite. Have a wonderful day. Blessings...Mary

  26. wow!! looks so delicious..spicy and yummy!!

  27. Sounds fantastic, the skin looks nice and crispy.

  28. Love that paste that you concocted! turmeric and garlic and coriander, that's my kind of spices! plus the lemongrass is always welcome in my kitchen! Great dish, bravo.

  29. j'aime beaucoup tes recettes elles sont bien épicées pleins de saveurs et de couleurs
    bonne soirée

  30. You now have one more hungry tummy. Oh that is mouth-watering.

  31. Fresh, healthy and delicious. So nice.

  32. i am so hungry seeing the pics...its been a while since i had salmon..looks crisp and yum !

  33. How simple but look at the end product! I love getting all the cooking tips from you and I haven't used the term I'm too busy to cook for a while now! Thank you!

  34. I love the spice paste that you marinade the salmon with, awesome flavors!

  35. KL girl in MELB ,
    Haha I have that from time to time too. Well next time you can :)

    Brisbane Baker
    Haha that will make you wantto cook more if you don't get invited.

    Lyndsey ,
    Oh thank you very much!

    Thank you! Please let me know if it turns out alright :)

    Sonia ,
    Thank you!

    Oh thank you! I do that too when I read a recipe haha

    大肥 ,

    You must make some for him soon!

    Lady Ren ,
    Thank you :) Please do! Remember there are no chili in the paste :)

    Thank you!

    Jhonny walker,
    Thank you very much!

    Gulmohar ,
    Yeah spices it masks the fishy taste, some of my friends will only eat spicy fish too.

    Cool Lassi(e) ,
    Haha thank you very much, the other two just eat lol

    Thank you! I just used what happened to be in the pantry, I love to play with food from time to time :)

    Sarah Naveen ,
    Thank you very much!

    Thank you! The skin is actually the best part for me :)

    tasteofbeirut ,
    Thank you very much! I love how different cuisine might be using the same spices but the food taste so differently :)

    Merci beaucoup!

    Claudia ,
    Thank you! Everyone visiting can be the honorary 4th tummy!

    Thank you very much! :)

    Pravs ,
    Thank you! Time to get some salmon soon!

    love to eat ,
    Oh I am so happy to hear that! Thank you!

    5 Star Foodie ,
    Thank you very much! :)

  36. Hey buddy, I think it is lame to say one has no time to cook after seeing this post, well done! Beautifully presented! Cheers!

  37. Quick and healthy meal!Fab. presentation!
    Have a great Sunday!
    Betty xx

  38. love the spicy marinade for your salmon. I'm so lazy so it's always salt, pepper and herbs for mine, it's great to see such nice versions like yours.

  39. Fast, easy and yummy! I wish I could whip up such a delicious meal in 15 minutes.

  40. I love that spicy taste. YUm and a great way to use up those salmon cuts.

  41. Beautifully served and looks so appetising!


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