Friday, February 5, 2010

Nargisi Kofta, Eggs Wrapped With Lamb Mince With A Mild Curry Sauce

After another hot sleepless night another very poorly planned dinner.  I stood blankly at the meat section of my local supermarket for at least 10 minutes before picking up a packet of lamb mince. I have decided to make this dish partly due to the fact that we actually have 2 dozens eggs at home (that's another story). This is scotch eggs on steroids! If you have never heard of scotch eggs before; they are hard boiled eggs wrapped with sausage meat, crumbed and deep fried. Just like their close cousins, these koftas are delicious served cold without the sauce at a picnic. Do double the amount of sauce as you'll need quite a bit of it to mop up your rice or dip your rotis into. I served this dish with allo gobi, raita , papadums and plenty of steamed basmati rice.
Useful tips -  Place the papadums in one layer in the microwave oven and nuke them for a minute on high.

serves 6 as part of an Indian meal
for the kofta you'll need;
9 small eggs (60g), hard boiled 
1 eggs, lightly beaten
500g lamb mince or meat of your choice
4 garlic cloves, minced
1 onion, finely chopped
1 tsp garam masala
1/2 tsp turmeric powder
1 tsp salt
1 tsp chilli powder
rice flour for coating
oil for deep frying  

for the sauce;
3 ripe tomatoes, blanched, skinned, seeded and chopped
1 onion, cut into rings
2 cloves of garlic, minced
small knob of ginger, minced
1 tsp garam masala
1 tsp turmeric powder
1/2 tsp of chilli powder
a stalk of curry leaves (optional)
salt and sugar to taste
200 ml of yoghurt
200 ml of water

Place everything (except for the hard boiled eggs, beaten egg,  rice flour and oil) for kofta in a large bowl and mix well. Divide meat mixture into 9 equal parts.

Place a portion of the meat mixture on your palm, flatten it and wrap it over a hard boiled egg. Smooth the kofta and continue with the rest of the eggs. Dust kofta with rice flour and leave in the fridge to firm up.

Dip koftas into the beaten egg and fry kofta til golden and drain well.

Fry onion, ginger, garlic and curry leave with a little oil for 5 minutes, then add in the spices and continue to fry for a further 5 minutes before adding the tomatoes. 

Add yoghurt and water to the sauce, bring it to a simmer then add in the koftas. Simmer gently for a few minutes to warm through.

Slice the koftas in half and pour the sauce over.


  1. Scotch eggs on steroid haha! My dad is English and we like to have scotch eggs at picnics. I'm going to make this to surprise him on father's day! I like this already!!!

  2. Scotch eggs are my favorite so I know I'll love these! I love the flavour combinations you have going on! Fantastic recipe!

  3. 家裡人不愛吃羊肉,用牛肉可以嗎?

  4. This looks very interesting. You have the most unique recipes!

  5. This will sure be the next favourite for the boys as they love scotch eggs!
    I took you advice and made the Thai beef salad indeed, it was very popular of course.

  6. The fried boiled egg reminds me of a Thai dish "son-in-law's eggs," or ไข่ลูกเขย. But Kofta is way more elaborate. Both are yummy dishes but totally different flavor profiles. Thanks for sharing:)

  7. Tricia,
    Oh that is soo sweet!

    Jennie ,
    Thank you! Hope you will try it soon!

    大肥 ,

    Oh thank you very much! :)

    love to eat,
    I am so glad to hear that! :)

    I have made ไข่ลูกเขย many times, it's under "Thai" :)

    Try making them, it's really easy!

  8. Oh wow, what a divine recipe! That looks fantastic!

  9. My husband will love this! I'll come to your poorly planned dinner anytime!

  10. I'm have done an awesome job...:-)

  11. It is really great coming here to see a new surprise everyday! I'm cooking so much more now thanks to all your recipes!
    My husband loves Scotch eggs, he'll love this!

  12. KL girl in MELB ,
    Haha thanks! Well you have to make some then!

    Thank you very much!

    I'm glad to hear that!, Not much fun when I'm not planned ahead!

    I'm so happy to have your seal of approval!

    Oh thank you and really delighted to know that you are cooking more because of the blog!
    Hope you'll make it for him soon!

  13. I've never eaten these before but I love eggs cooked in any style.....我看了就流口水,我的妈呀!很难减肥咯

  14. This is an awsome dish! A good way to use up our freshly laid eggs too!
    We be home after 2 tomorrow if you are coming over to pick up some vegetables. Cheers buddy!

  15. My best friend in Melbourne told me about your blog and I have been spending the last hour going through your recipes. You have an instant follower!

  16. wow youre amazing and adventurous!!! those deep fried lamb aggs look marvellous!!! Im goingot bookmark this so that i will be as adventorous as you :)))

  17. This looks so good, I've bookmarked it twice!

  18. Wow! That's such a great idea - I've made kofta before but not super-duper ones like these with a hidden egg in the middle! And it's been scorching up here too, probably not as bad as Melbourne I think.

  19. Pearlyn,
    Thanks! Must try making it one day ok? 過了年才减肥吧!

    Thank you! I'll come by to pick up some eggs too! :)

    Thank you very much! Please thank your friend for me too!

    Haha I have made this many times and I like to cook different things so I don't get bored cooking lol

    Haha thank you!! :)

    Haha thanks! I love eggs so much I'll cook anything with eggs in it :)
    It has cooled down a lot thank god!

  20. OOOH! tell me how many times we made this when you were still here!
    I must tell Vijay to read this later!
    Our very first katsu curry experiment went very smoothly and it was very delicious. Come visit us darling!

    Sophia xxx

  21. Never had this before. Must try this out for my hubby, he loves egg and lamb ~ good combo!

  22. Harriet from CarltonFebruary 6, 2010 at 1:33 AM

    What can I say? It has all the things I love in one dish, this is going to be Sunday lunch! What would you suggest to go with this dish?

  23. It was very hot indeed! If only my planned dinner turned out this well haha!

  24. Looks delicious...I have never seen a dish like this!

  25. This is a first for me, looks like a nice protein-filled dish! I'm curious about how you have two dozen eggs... was the night so hot and sleepless that you went for a walk and raided your neighbours' chicken sheds? :D

  26. Sophia darling,
    I do remember almost religiously haha!
    I'm am so glad it was a success! I'll try end of the year! xxx

    Thanks and please do! spoil him more!

    Oh really! That's good to hear.
    check out the gajar matar, raita and chapati post. I'll post allo gobi tmr.

    Haha it is not that hard :)

    Thank you! Do try it sometime

    Thank you! Haha it is a very long story, no not too many houses with barns here I afraid!

  27. Une recette absolument délicieuse.
    Je la note.
    See soon.

  28. elle me semble délicieuse à tester prochainement
    bonne soirée

  29. Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaa รัก นี้ มาก!

  30. Kofta sounds excellent with eggs & curry sauce!

  31. That is something i would die for lol :)

  32. Wow!!! Such a delicacy...and well presented...wonderful clicks...

  33. Saveurs et Gourmandises ,

    merci! S'il vous plaît ne

    ขอบคุณ มาก! :)

    5 Star Foodie,
    Thank you :)

    pigpigscorner ,
    Thanks it is great!

    Haha try it soon !

    Thank you very much! :)

  34. I have never had this before, fantastic dish!

  35. We don't eat Indian food that often but this one is worth a try!

  36. YUmm..yumm...yumm... Love the way you wrap the eggs. So creative!

  37. LMH,
    Thank you!

    You must!

    My Little Space ,
    Thank you very much!


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