Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Guest Post - Spicy Boxing Chicken With Chili And Lime Dipping Sauce

When my new blogger friend Velva from Tomatoes on the Vine  asked me to do a guest post for her beautiful blog, I jumped at the opportunity. To repay such an honour given to me, it is only fitting if I create something special that she would love and the result is Spicy boxing chicken with chilli and lime dipping sauce. Make sure you visit her wonderful blog and check out her beautiful photographs and mouthwatering  recipes! This is perfect as a beer snack, finger food for your next party or as part of your next Thai meal.
P.S This was created during our recent weekend in Anglesea.

you'll need;
1kg of chicken wings, separated into winglets and drumlets.
4 garlic cloves, roughly chopped
4 coriander roots, roughly chopped
small knob of ginger, roughly chopped
a tbs of fish sauce
a tbs of oyster sauce
dash of white pepper
rice flour for dusting
peanut oil for frying
First prepare marinate by pounding the chopped ingredients til a rough paste is achieved, set aside

for the chilli and lime dipping sauce;
5 garlic cloves, roughly chopped
2 coriander roots, roughly chopped
4 bird chillies, roughly chopped
2 shallots, roughly chopped
2 tbs of white sugar
2 tbs of fish sauce
juice of 2 limes
For the dipping sauce; pound chopped ingredients to a rough paste then mix in the sugar, fish sauce and lime juice. Check for seasonings, it should taste sweet, sour, hot and salty. The sauce can be stored in the fridge for up to a week.

with a sharp knife cut around the thin end of the drumlet til the the skin and sinew is separated from the bone.

Pull the meat down with the help of a knife if needed and you will get a little chicken lollipop. Repeat with the rest.

With the winglets, loosen the 2 thin bones with a sharp knife then pull the bones out, pull the flesh down to the wing tip end.

Marinate the chicken pieces with the prepared paste, fish sauce, oster sauce and white pepper for at least an hour.

Dust the marinated chicken pieces with rice flour and fry in batches til golden and crispy.

Serve fried chicken pieces on a large platter scattered with sliced cucumbers and tomatoes with the dipping sauce.


  1. This is great! chicken wings without bones! I love the first photo! :)

  2. wow, that's one kick of a recipe. sounds great :-)

  3. Wow wow! What a big plate of goodies! I want some now!

  4. 好棒的一道菜呀!口水都流乾了!:)

  5. Great recipe! Looking forward to following more of your divine recipes!

  6. What a great dish, I'll have to first practice on my de boning skill :)
    Over to the other blog now :)

  7. What an awesome appetizer! Looks mouthwatering!

  8. Bo,
    Thank you very much!

    Thank you :) Chicken wings without bones indeed!

    Thanks :) The chili sauce certainly has kick lol

    Thank you! I wish I have some now too.

    大肥 ,

    Sinful Southern Sweets ,
    Oh thank you very much! :)

    Thank you! Once you have done the first, you'll finish the rest in no time!

    Cool Lassi(e),
    Haha thank you!

  9. ฉัน ต้องการ บาง สำหรับ เลี้ยง วัน เกิด ของ ฉัน!

  10. WOW! This is so perfect! I'm sure Velva will be very delighted.

  11. OMG! Give me some now! The step by step photos are so helpful! Off to check out the other blog now! :)

  12. I want a guest post from you for my birthday tomorrow!

  13. Congrats on your guest post! You always come up with the most unique dishes, whether or not it's a guest post. :)

  14. ah yes ive heard of this....looks absolutely delicious!!! n the dippping sauce is to die for!!

  15. guest post is wonderful...the combo lime n chilly dipping would be delicious....pack me some...it looks really rich...

  16. I followed from Velva's blog - adore the recipe- really love that dipping sauce. Wondering if I could make it for breakfast.

  17. Looks wonderful!! I haven't eaten breakfast yet so I'm very hungry!

  18. muu,
    ขอบคุณ มาก!

    Anncoo ,
    I hope so too :)

    thank you! see it is not that difficult!

    Neetz ,
    Thank you!

    ok ok!

    Thank your very much :)

    Thank you! make sure you make some )

    Thank you very much!

    Oh thank you! If you don't mind frying them Lol

    Haha thank you!

  19. Please come and cook for us! This is truly awsome darling, going over to check on the other blog!
    Sophia xxx

  20. Very delicious looking! The sauce is nice too!

  21. You are quite something by turning the humble chicken wings into something so wonderful!

  22. ton poulet me semble délicieux et croustillant
    bonne soirée

  23. Encore une recette bien épicée et bien savoureuse.
    See soon.

  24. you make everything looks so wonderful... i want a seat at your table please!!!

  25. Awesome..Perfect starter for a party

  26. I like how you deboned the chicken! yum yum!

  27. The chicken is amazing and I love the sauce too!

  28. Sophia,
    Haha Sept darling! Thank you! xxx

    Thank you!

    THANK YOU! :)

    THANKS :)

    merci beaucoup!

    aveurs et Gourmandises
    merci beaucoup!

    and this blog ,
    Thank you! Anytime :)

    Thank you very much!

    pigpigscorner ,
    Thanks :) hehe

    5 Star Foodie,
    Thank you!

  29. such a delicious boxing chicken...am just drooling over the last click..awesome starter!

  30. Morning buddy! These are the best beer snacks! So much flavours in one dish! Cheers!

  31. What a great dish this is! I love this for my next party, imagine how popular it will be! Thank you for the recipe, off to check out Velva's

  32. I came for Velva's blog so glad that she had you do a guest post. Great looking wings, but what are bird chillies? Could I use jalapenos?

  33. Suresh, I want to thank you for taking the time to be a guest on my blog. Your chicken dish with the chili and lime dipping sauce is getting rave reviews!

    Thank you to all of your followers that stopped by my blog to say hello. Their comments have been much appreciated.

    You have a wonderful blog that I follow faithfully. Your natural creativity is really reflected in your dishes. I have a deep respect for your ability to use simple and flavorful ingredients to create such wonderful dishes. To me, this is where the true talent of cooking lies. I learn something new everytime I visit.

    Again, thank you. Cheers to you!

  34. I am drooling at these now , how nice if I can have these for my lunch later...very nice looking chicken

  35. Fresh Local and Best ,
    Thank you very much!

    kothiyavunu ,
    Haha thanks :)

    Hey buddy,
    Perfect with BEER :) Lets make some soon!

    Oh thanks! you'll need to double the quantity!

    Haha thanks!

    Mimi ,
    Thank you for visiting :) Bird chilies are small thai chilies, jalapenos would work too :)

    doggybloggy ,
    Thank you! :)

    You are most welcome!
    I'm very glad this finally happened and I have so much fun doing this. Thanks again :)

    Haha make some soon!

  36. Oh what a dish! You are using such simple ingredients to create something quite luxurious! Good job!

  37. darren,
    Thank you! It is amazing what simple ingredients could do!

    Thank you very much!

    Oh thank you very much! It makes my day!

  38. There is only one thing better than shopping in Hong Kong, and that's eating. From small noodle joints to upscale French restaurant, you will locate all sorts of restaurant, eating hall and snack stall on earth in Hong Kong. Here I found small amount of Hong-Kong-styled snacks online (yummiexpress.freetzi.com). This is definitely a good choice before I have $ for another trip.

  39. thanks for the help!!! got a great idea from this..


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