Monday, February 8, 2010

Five Spice Duck And Rice Vermicelli Soup 五香鴨片米粉湯

Since I still have some duck breasts I bought the other day, I decided to make a simple noodle dish with them. I made quite a robust broth using some duck bones and aromatic to go with the rich duck meat, the result was 3 completely empty bowls. Next time when you are getting a roast duck from the Chinese restaurant, do not get rid of the carcase, neck and wings as they make the most delicious stock. Use any noodles of your choice but I think rice vemercelli goes really well with this dish. The added preserved vegetable adds a wonderful dimension to the delicious broth.

serves 3 generously
you'll need;
2 duck breasts
1 packet of Jiang Xi rice vermicelli
a bunch of tatsoi (Asian greens that resemble a fan) or  Asian greens of your choice, blanched
2/3 cup of xue chai 雪菜 (preserved mustard greens)
2 spring onions, chopped

for the broth;
a knob of ginger, sliced
1/3 cup of light soy
dash of dark soy
dash of Chinese cooking wine
2 star anise
2 spring onion, white part only
3 cloves of garlic
1 tbs of black peppercorns
1 tbs of Sichuan peppercorns
1.5 l of water 
1 duck or chicken carcase, rubbed with five spice powder and salt and roast in an hot oven til golden

Place all broth ingredients in a pot and simmer for an hour. Add the preserved vegetables, check for seasonings.

Dry duck pieces with kitchen towels, cut little slits all over the skin. Rub with the five spice salt.

Fry duck breasts skin side down for 4 minutes then another minute on the other side, finish off in a 180 degress C oven for 6 minutes. Rest for 5 minutes and slice thinly. Meanwhile cook noodles according to the instructions on the packaging.

Place noodles and blanched vegetables in a bowl, ladle some hot broth over and top with some sliced duck pieces and chopped spring onions. Plenty of cut chillies or some chilli oil if you wish!

Use other type of noodles or vegetables if you wish, it will still be delicious!


  1. I wish I had a bowl for dinner tonight. When are you coming back to HK????

  2. Lovely dish! Everything looks so good here, can I be the forth tummy? lol

  3. Mmm.. the five spice duck sounds so good and wonderful with this lovely vermicelli soup!

  4. Beautiful presentation. Looks so good!!

  5. Talk about the comforting dishes! I would love to have some vermicelli soup too!

  6. Does this stuff taste as good as it looks?

  7. That looks so delicious...I want to try so many of your recipes!

  8. wow wow wow!! that looks soooo yummeee! I wish I cld slurp a little!

  9. I love this kind of noodle soup. Yum!

  10. For some reason, I always seem to check out your blog right before lunch. Then, my plans to grab a small sandwich at Subway become derailed, as I look at your pictures! haha!

  11. Another winner, I think san mein (fresh egg noodle) and ho fun (I know it's a fat noodle) would also go well with this. BTW - I've just posted my first ever recipe - noodles of course !!

  12. Delicious dish!!!!Spicy and's what i need today!!!!

  13. Mmm...really yummilicious! I'm going to cook some of your delicious dishes after CNY ;)

  14. Kenny,
    Haha I an not too sure yet.

    KL girl in MELB,
    Thanks! There is a q haha!

    5 Star Foodie ,
    Thank you very much! :)

    Thank you :)

    Thanks! There is something very comforting about home cooked noodles.

    Thanks It tastes better than It looks :)

    Thank you and please do!

    :) thank you!

    Thanks! :)

    Thank you!

    Thank you! Sorry I have been wrecking your plan :)

    Mr. Noodles,
    Thank you! I think both noodles you mentioned will work well. I check it out later :)

    Thank you! It is very warmig too.

    Thank you :) Please do!

    Thank you :)

  15. The broth sounds delicious, what a wonderful one dish meal. Will not throw away the duck bones again.

  16. Looks very delicious! I might get some chinese roast duck to try and do the same!

  17. Duck and rice noodle soup...I can have it at anytime...yours looks yummie!

  18. Your choice of noodle is perfect for this dish, the rice noodle will soak up all the wonderful flavours. I'll happily eat this dish all the time!

  19. your dishes are very comforting. i love noodle soups!

  20. oh yum, I'm loving the duck dishes. I can see why you ended up with three very empty bowls!!

  21. I love duck broth which is so rich and aromatic. Your soup must be really good with all the good stuff u added (star anise, 5 spice powder).

  22. Harriet from CarltonFebruary 9, 2010 at 3:52 PM

    Wonderful bowl of noodle, I'll be sure to keep the roast duck bones next time!

  23. after my run later, i should be eating this.. ru inviting me ar? LOL

  24. 好一道鸭片米粉汤,I like it ! Are you going back home for CNY ?

  25. Ooo wow, you always eat so well! I love duck and rice noodles yum. Great idea about the stock too, I'll have to remember that (I usually get the restaurant to chop the duck into pieces, the bones get too small then).

  26. We must remember to keep the bones too, I can imagine how tasty this will be!

  27. CW,
    Thank you! Keep them :)

    Thank you! It will be very delicious with roast duck!

    Thank you very much!

    Thank you :)

    Thank you! You are absolutely right with the noodle :)

    Thank you! It is something very comforting about noodle soup!

    Haha thank you! They are quite big bowls too!

    noobcook ,
    Thank you! I like to add some spices to my broth sometimes.

    Thank you! Must keep them!

    Cumi and Ciki,
    I'll definitely make you a large bowl! :)

    Not this year, might visit in september though! :)

    Thank you very much! you can always get them to give you some duck wings and necks, they are great too.

    You must :) Thank you!

  28. I think we will do the roast duck version! Thanks for the tips about making stock with the roast duck bones. Cheers buddy!

  29. A quick check before my dinner, bad idea!!! lol
    Have been craving for Japanese food and I'm glad to know this is fairly simple to prepare.

  30. It's what we need for the moment, so conforting and tasty, and your broth seems so delightfull !

  31. fitzboy ,
    That is going to be very delicious too!

    Haha, this is more a Chinese meal.

    love to eat,
    Thank you!

    Thank you very much! It is great for cold days!


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