Friday, December 4, 2009

A Quick Cucumber, Onion And Pineapple Pickle

A quick and easy pickle to make, not to mention it's extremely colourful and refreshing. Great to have it with Indian or Malaysian style curries and it is a must have on our table when such curries are served. I have also used it as a side dish for murtabak. (check it out if you have missed it) Once you have tried this, your curry meal would not be complete without it!!
P.S new post from my backup file as promised :)

you'll need;
1 large cucumber, peeled and seeded. Mixed with 2tbs of salt, leave for 20 minutes.Rinsed and squized out excess water.
1/4 of a pineapple, skinned and eyes removed, sliced
1 red onion, skinned and thinly sliced
1 red chili, sliced
4 tbs of sugar desolved in 1 cup of vinegar

Place everything in a large bowl and pour the vinegar and sugar solution over it. Mix well and leave it in the fridge for about an hour.

It is ready after about an hour.

Use as a side dish here for murtabak.


  1. I always find curry meal a little too rich for me, this looks like a good side dish to cut through the richness!
    Glad to see new post when I log on :)

  2. Yes, this is just what I appetising and goes well with anything. I love your colour combination of this salad.

  3. Haha it is good to see new post!
    I love a good fresh pickle like this with my curries too.
    The murtabak looks amazing! haha there are so many posts here that I haven't seen!

  4. What sort of follower am I for missing out on the murtabak!!! It looks very tasty, I'm making the fish curry tomorrow so this is just perfect!!!

  5. I am making some pickles too but only with cucumber. :D I will try this recipe soon.

  6. I craved for this when I was pregnant with my first child.... I love it sour and spicy.... yum !

  7. Mary G , This is perfect to cut down the richness of curries absolutely!

    Mary Moh, Thanks and so easy to make too ;)

    Love to eat, yeah it was my fault to have too many post when I first started haha. Let me know about the fish curry!!

    Divina Pe, A cucumber pickle is just as delicious too, what are you having it with ?

    Pearlyn, haha do women always crave for sour food when they are pregnant?? :)

  8. A quick delicious appetizer! I love these, esp. in the hot summer days!

  9. this is a good side dish with curry n the murtabak looks amazing!!

  10. Angie, yes it is quick and delicious indeed!

    Michele, thanks! you should try making the murtabak!

  11. Pickles. Always great on a hot day. I can eat tons of this ! In a restaurant I always have to ask for seconds, and thirds !

  12. This makes a great side dish! I likesalad with pineapples!

  13. Love this appetizer! Makes me drooling~~~

  14. Such a delicious pickle, perfect appetizer!

  15. It's super cool coz u used pineapples in this dish!

  16. CW u r just greedy as usual

    pigpigscorner, i know n that's just the side dish!

    Anncoo , it will be very good with any of ur dish

    5 Star Foodie, thank you!

    MrsLavendula , i'll put the curry dish on tmr!

    kenny i know r like everything!!

  17. i tried making this but it was never right because i never do the salting part b4

  18. Ohhhh, I love this.. you always make me hungry ... such a good cook you are!!!

  19. this looks like something even I can make =) yay!!!!! man u make everything look so good!

  20. Anu that stage is very important indeed!

    mycookinghut, thank you so much!!

    and this blog, thank you and of course you can make it!

  21. This salad looks so good, bright and tangy!

  22. Harriet from CarltonDecember 5, 2009 at 4:51 PM

    I simply love your food, they are always so so colourful and beautiful!

  23. Thanks Fresh Local and Best, that's how i would described it too :)

    Thanks Harriet! Oh for me how the dish looks is as important as how it tastes :)

  24. Salads with pineapple are just wonderful!

  25. I love this type of appetiser with raw onions, pineapple and chilli ... Really drooling here ;D

  26. Simple and yummy salad with pineapple .New comer here .Do drop by

  27. i love these quick made dishes and so fresh ! thanks ! cheers from Pierre in paris

  28. That salad looks so pretty, colourful and the cucumbers have been sliced so beautifully! Nice job!!:))))

  29. Thanks Renata! you must give it a try!

    Thanks noobcook! try making it!

    Thanks Padhu! will do that!

    Thanks Pierre!

    Thanks Zurin! I love cutting!! :)

  30. Really tasty. This is now on our family favorites list. do visit my mauritian curried fish when u get time


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