Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Khai Yat Sai ไข่ยัดไส้ Thai Stuffed Omelet

This is an all time favourite of mine since it has both eggs and mince in it. It is a quick and easy dish that will sure to impress your guests; first when the filling is revealed, followed by how tasty the filling is. Substitute pork with chicken or beef and adjust the seasonings of the filling - there isn't a right or wrong way of doing it, so be creative and add your own mark on it. The tummies were very happy with their first home cooked meal after a long holiday away.

serves 4 as part of a Thai meal
you'll need;
4 eggs, beaten with dash of salt and white pepper
500g of minced pork or mince of your choice
1 onion, chopped
2 tomatoes, chopped
2 spring onions, chopped
2 stalks of coriander leaves, chopped
2 cloves of garlic, chopped
4 bird chillies chopped
2 tbs of oyster sauce
2 tbs of tomato sauce
dash of fish sauce
dash of soy
salt and white pepper to taste
spring onions for garnish

In a hot wok, fry the beaten eggs. Move and tilt the wok around so you'll get a thin and rather large omelet. Remove from the wok and put it into a large bowl.

Fry chopped garlic and chilies follow by the chopped onions, when everything is soften and a little brown add in the mince pork. When pork is no longer pink, chuck in the chopped tomatoes.

Add seasonings and continue to cook for a minute or so. Finally add the chopped herbs and thicken with a little corn flour solution.

Pour the meat mixture into the omelet mould. Place a plate over the bowl and invert it.

Garnish the stuffed omelet with spring onions.

Serve it with plenty of steamed rice, a simple vegetable stir fry and chilies in fish sauce.


  1. Haha I haven't been the first one to leave a comment for a very long time.
    This is a quick and easy dish indeed, certainly cooking this tomorrow!
    Love the photos :)

  2. I love this dish but haven't had it years. They don't tend to sell this dish in Thai restaurants in London so the last time I had it was probably in HK or Singapore.

  3. mmmmm...thats looks tempting and very easy recipe indeed. Will try this soon.

  4. Harriet from CarltonJanuary 13, 2010 at 10:02 PM

    I just had my dinner and this is making me hungry again! It looks very promising!

  5. Oh yes! What a perfect dish, eggs with a wonderful filling! Another recipe I would love to try. Your photos make it look so easy! Thanks!

  6. love to eat,
    Yes haven't been indeed! Do let me know if it turns out ok.

    Mr Noodles,
    You can try asking them to make this for you, just tell them Khai yat sai :) or try it at home! :)

    Faiza Ali ,
    Thank you and please try it!

    Haha that is being greedy!

    Oh thank you!
    Do let me know if you do.
    you are welcome :)

  7. Wow, that presentation is incredible - would be lovely for a dinner party. I didn't realise a bowl was used...always thought it was more difficult!

  8. I had this in Bangkok and was in love with it since I love eggs and mince too :)
    Thanks for the recipe!

  9. Ooh. yum! delectable.. and a clever way to having that omelette flipped.

  10. Su-Lin,
    Thank you very much! Yeah a bowl does the trick all the time!

    You are welcome! ;)

    KL girl in MELB,
    Thank you! Make sure you try cooking it!

    Haha can't remember where I learnt that! Thanks :)

    Thank you! Hope you try it :)

  11. That is the most delicious dish ever!
    I have to try it out.
    GREAT pics! (I'm jealous!)

  12. I have never seen this on a Thai menu here, it is my kind of food!
    Thank you for making it so easy with the step by step photos :)

  13. Wow , this looks so damn good ! My kids love this and I haven't made this for quite a long time... maybe 2 years

  14. 哇你的廚藝真的很棒呀!看了我口水直流! :)

  15. Hi 3HT. I just had this in Chiang Mai. It was really good. Thanks for the recipe, now I can make it myself.

  16. ไข่ยัดไส้! ชอบ มาก มาก! ฉัน หิว ตอน นี้!!! :)

  17. Betty,
    Thank you very much, I hope you'll try it :)

    Tricia F ,
    I haven't seen it either, maybe it is not posh enough haha!
    You are welcome :)

    Well it is time to make some soon!

    大肥 ,

    Oh you did! that is great! They wrap phat thai with omelet over there too! My pleasure!

    Oh thank you very much!!

    muu :)
    ขอบคุณ มาก!
    ตอน นี้ คุณ ต้อง ปรุง อาหาร ได้ ที่ บ้าน!

  18. This looks incredible. Thai is one of my favorite foods. I think I could make this. I'll give it a try.

  19. Awesome...Sure this one is a winner :-)

  20. It looks so delicious.
    See soon.

  21. In France we are used to cook omelet with peperoni and oignons and tomatoes but never like that, and I like it, very complete and so amazing !

  22. now thats what you call an omelette oh la la !!

  23. an omelet at its best!

  24. Michael,
    Thanks! It is very easy so please do try!

    Thanks! :)

    Saveurs et Gourmandises ,
    Thank you very much!
    See you soon!

    Oh thank you, you must give it a go someday :)

    Haha thanks !

    Thank you! it is very satisfying one :)

  25. I was lucky enough to have try this wonderful dish when we were in Chiangrai a while back, been craving for it ever since.
    Tried making it once but failed miserably, thanks for the recipe I think I'll be able to do it this time :)

  26. Slurp!! mouthwatering omellet, feel like finishing that..:)

  27. Wow, your omelette looks so good (and substantial!) that it's almost a meal in itself. Thanks for sharing!

  28. What a cool idea! I would have never thought to use an egg a huge crepe-Very cool.

  29. Wow, this is quite the super omelet! I love the filling!

  30. rosa,
    Good luck and let me know about your success!

    kothiyavunu ,
    Thank you! It is a very large omelet you know :)

    Thank you! It is very satisfying, that's enough for 4 or 3 very hungry persons :)

    Thanks :) Please have a try :)

    5 Star Foodie,
    It is rather large :) Thank you!

  31. Our kind of food mate! come pick up some eggs when you are free! We make the longan drinks, they both loved it but I still prefer a cold beer haha. Come by over the weekend, we love to see you soon!

  32. A very quick dash to see what is on tonight! I think everyone will like this and all I need is some minced pork, that is too easy! :) Thanks!

  33. Your is so nice, if i make it, sure ugly ugly...

  34. I have never had this before! I want some now!

  35. fitzboy,
    Haha I certainly will take up the offer!

    Great did you make it at the end?

    Somewhere in Singapore ,
    Haha I'm sure you will be fine :)

    Please try making it then :)

  36. what a great idea! It's like a present.

  37. pigpigscorner ,
    Haha I never thought about that! You are right!

    Thank you!!

  38. I love it! You made it seems so easy! Thanks!


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3 hungry tummies

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melbourne, victoria, Australia
